Let Your Success Happen Organically

Let Your Success Happen Organically

If you're feeling really overwhelmed with how fast your business is growing, take a listen to this episode!

These steps will help your business grow, guaranteed. No money necessary! Let’s dig into the highlights:

Don't skip the important things

Having the important things such as website, niche, social media platforms, products/packages are foundational to our business. Often we want to skip these aspects so we can work with clients, however by doing this we aren’t prepared to work with dream clients if we skip these foundational tasks. When you are just starting, don’t look at the numbers, just get it set up.

Don't compare yourself

You can get inspiration from others, but don’t compare yourself and knock yourself down. Your business should feel like you and not someone else’s. Your schedule should suit your lifestyle not someone else’s. We are often so hard on ourselves and look for validation in comparison. Instead of comparison being a negative thing, turn it to a positive. For example, if you are jealous of another coach, turn it into a positive phrase such as, “that’s so awesome that she charges that much, I can’t wait to get to that point in my business.”

Stay focused

It can be so hard not to have a billion tabs open in your computer. Imagine how much more focused we could be if we had a system where we work on particular tasks on our business. By creating theme days we can reduce the overwhelm and instead focus more strictly on one task. Instead of having a giant task list in your day, spread it out throughout the week. I also find that focus music from Youtube is helpful for me to get into a focused mindset.

Choose someone you look up to and want to learn from

Everyone has different methods of teaching and I find that when people invest in multiple sources for education, it is difficult to focus and gain clarity. I suggest choosing one role model that you admire and look up to and choose to just learn from them. Content overload won’t serve your success.

Don't be your own worst enemy/boss

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed, stressed out and resenting your business? Take a look at how you are spending your time. Are you working too much? Take a step back and take some time off to gain a better perspective and fresh brain. Is what you are doing aligned with your vision? If something isn’t working eliminate it or adjust it.

Be the CEO you want to be NOW

Don’t put things off until you feel you have “deserved” it. If you feel called to have a brand photo shoot, go do it, you don’t have to wait. How will you up level yourself and what can you do differently to make your brain feel refreshed from something new and different. How can you be the best boss to yourself? This will help create the reality of what you are dreaming of now. Some examples of treating yourself may include: treating yourself to something special after a new launch like taking a nap, buying a new desk, or buying a present for yourself.

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