lindsay maloney

Ready for a completely custom experience to booking clients and making sales?

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Whew! There’s something stirring up inside of you and you just can’t quite explain it. Butterflies that swallowed some pop rocks maybe?? 👐🏻

You feel like you’re moving up a level, like as we speak, and you’re looking around for someone to guide you as you rise. Good thinking.

I’ve gone from being a health coach with a free website and 2 blog readers (me and mom) to a multi-six-figure business coach.

All while working a full-time job (that I love) and homeschooling my three kids.


Helping coaches book dream clients and make sales every day is my jam.

Because we all want more freedom to do what we love, but we just forgot we could have it. Or maybe you’re not sure if you’re ready for it?

If you’re at the point in your business where you want to influence more people and bring in more income without it taking up all of your time, I can help.

I can help you be the coach you know you’re about to evolve into.

I can help you hold space for the big moments you’re about to have.

I can help you head toward somewhere you’ve never been before.

So you can have peace of mind knowing that you always have sales coming in and clients standing in line waiting to work with you.

There are a lot of coaches out there doing things they don’t love anymore and there are a lot of coaches out there who have no clue what to do next. The brave coaches are the ones who decide to change and get some help.

Things I used to love, but now, not so much…

Big launches, complicated strategies, working so far ahead on content that I never felt present in my business, having a bunch of team members, having complicated funnels and fancy tools to make things happen.

I like to keep things super clean and simple…

Think of me as the Marie Kondo of your business. We’re not only going to clean things up so you can see what you have working for you, but we’re also going to create a way for you to have more time, balance, freedom, and income in your business.

YOu shouldn’t have to always be scraping by to make ends meet…

I believe in creating multiple offers in a wide variety of price points so you have something for everyone. I believe in setting clear and solid boundaries so you never have to feel drained again. I believe in pricing your work appropriately so you never have to feel like this doesn’t make sense. And I also believe that you should be seeing multiple sales pop in your inbox every day while you’re busy doing whatever it is you want to be doing.


 What they’re saying

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It’s easy to get caught up with all of the voices online telling you what to do…

If you scroll through social media, even for five minutes, you’ll experience hundreds of people telling you how to live your life, run your business, walk your dog, brush your hair, and chew your food. No wonder why people feel so overwhelmed and confused!

There is so much noise in the coaching space alone and it can be really easy to fall into the trap of adding MORE to what you’re doing. Because you think that this “program” is the missing piece to your puzzle or if a certain strategy worked for this person, it’s surely going to work for you!

And at first glance, I can see how that makes sense.

But, most of the time, MORE isn’t what we desire. It’s the other way around. And since most of us are programmed to think that we have to do more to get more, in the coaching world, it’s just not the way. And it kind of leaves you feeling, well empty.

Something to think about: how can you do less while impacting more people?


I’ve worked with coaches from all over the world at all different levels and here is what I know to be true:

It takes bravery to do what we do every day. Like, a lot.

It’s hard to find someone in real life to understand the things we go through and have to do on a daily basis.

But it feels really great to get on a call with your coach because they know exactly what you’re going through, where you’re headed, and what could come up.


You don’t actually ever need a coach. Yeah, I said it.

You should want one because you know it will make you a better one yourself.


… and you believe in how powerful it is to have someone a few steps ahead of you in your back pocket.


My One-on-one Biz Coaching is Perfect For You If… 


You’re a cup half full kinda gal and you always look on the sunny side.

You see the good in every situation and you believe there is always a lesson to learn. Even if things don’t go your way, you’re quick to dust yourself off and move on.

You’re not afraid to ask questions and you’re super coachable.

You’re a good listener and you’re the first to admit that you don’t have all of the answers. You’re happy to be coached and learn from other’s experiences.

You love to learn and try new things.

You love to soak up knowledge and you’re always interested in hearing new approaches and techniques to grow your business.


  1. You’re looking for someone to do the work for you

  2. You don’t really want to do anything and you’re looking for a quick fix

  3. You’re not willing to learn anything new and question nothing

  4. You put things off until the last minute and then flake out


So, how does this work?

Coaching with me is completely custom to your needs. I meet you where you are and we move forward from there.

We get to meet up, sip our coffee together, and talk about your business. Can’t get any sweeter than that.

Once your submit your application, I will review it within 24 hours and will let you know if I think we would be a good fit together.


Some FAQ’s:

What kind of payment plans are available? My payment plans go out to three years if you like and there is zero interest.

What about refunds? Heck to the no. Private mentorship takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go into this container thinking, "Oh, if this doesn't go as I planned, then I'll just ask for a refund." You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It's all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this program feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what will come next for you and your business, then that will happen!

How are sessions scheduled? After payment is made, you will be directed to your next steps that include the link to my calendar.

What if I’m not sure if I can commit to a payment plan? Please don’t choose something you can’t commit to. My payment plans are here to help coaches - they are not options for you to decide whether or not to pay. You will agree to my terms and conditions when you invest and keeping your payment plan commitment is one of them.


I have 3 different packages for you to choose from:

6-Week Package:

  • 3 45-minute private coaching calls

  • 6 weeks of support

  • Voxer support (voice and text message)

  • $4,800 investment

  • Payment plans up to three years available with zero % interest

3-Month Package:

  • 6 45-minute private coaching calls

  • 3 months of support

  • Voxer support (voice and text message)

  • $9,600 investment

  • Payment plans up to three years available with zero % interest

6-Month Package:

  • 12 45-minute private coaching calls

  • 6 months of support

  • Voxer support (voice and text message)

  • $13,200 investment

  • Payment plans up to three years available with zero % interest


Ready to finally have some real support

Are you ready for everything to change?

Let’s work together so you can see change for the better faster. You could absolutely do this on your own, but you’re here reading this anyway, so why not give it a shot?