How to Create a Thank You Page in Squarespace

Having good manners with your business is really important. That's why we never want to forget to say, "thank you!" when someone gives us their email address in exchange for information. 

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We always want to go above and beyond here. That's why instead of using the standard thank you message built in your email service provider we are going to create a new page on your Squarespace website that is strictly dedicated to thanking your subscribers AND offering them even more goodies! I'm going to show you exactly how and why I have set up right now. Ready?

So, this is my thank you page. If you want to see it live just click here. I have 4 key elements on it. Let's dig into them further:

1: When your subscribers land on this page, let them know they are all set. Thank them and make them feel good about what's to come. 

2: This is a great place to put an invitation to your Facebook group community. You can also change this page to reflect any upcoming webinars, live events, etc.

3: Add a button for extra emphasis!

4: This is one of my favorite features. I added a summary block to my page that automatically shows my latest blog posts (which all have freebies attached). So, the majority of the time when I see a subscriber come in from one blog post, I'll also see them sign up for the additional posts that pop up on the thank you page. 

Once your thank you page is created you will be able to use that link in your email service provider and any other space when appropriate. It's a lifesaver!

PS: If you you're loving the way this looks and want to set up your own account in MailerLite for free then click here to get started!