5 Lessons I Learned About Money My First Year of Business

One thing no one talks about when it comes to being a small business owner is how much there is to learn. There are so many aspects of running a business and most of the time you don’t even know that you need to learn something until it’s midnight and you’re like, “Oh and then there’s that thing.”

If you’re lucky, you have a business mentor, but many of us are students of Google - which really means that we’re figuring it out all on our own!

The financial side of running a business is no different. I remember during my first year of business there was SO MUCH to learn about how the money side worked. From creating a budget to saving for taxes it took me a long time to get it all figured out.

There were times I really wished someone would just tell me what I needed to know or, let’s get real, just do it all for me. Which is why I wrote this post. I’m going to tell you everything I learned about money my first year of business so you don’t have to struggle like I did!

Here are my top 5 money lessons:

[LESSON 1]- Don't put off your bookwork. You will regret it. Trust me.

[LESSON 2]- Keep track of all your subscription expenses (Dropbox, Canva, Haute Stock, etc.)

[LESSON 3]- Create a folder in your email account (sub-folders if you're feeling extra organized) for all of your receipts that come in.

[LESSON 4]- Use Google Sheets to set up and keep track of your expenses. Or you can sign up for accounting software like Wave or Every Dollar.

[LESSON 5]- Don't skimp on learning about this aspect of your business. Learn from people who know what they're talking about and make it work for you. 

While I learned a lot about money my first year of business there were so many times that I just wished someone would tell me exactly what to do! Which is why I’m so excited to introduce you to Andi Smiles and her new program Bad Ass Business Finance!

Bad Ass Business Finance is an 8-week program that teaches small business owners how to build healthy financial habits into their business. Andi goes over EVERYTHING you need to know about your money- from income tracking, tax deductions, and annual tax prep to how to save for taxes, pay yourself, and set long-term financial goals that are actionable.


This course is everything I wish I had when I was first starting off!

Enrollment is open until October 13th. And guess what? If you purchase from my affiliate link  (and then send me your invoice) I will also give you full access to my list building course, List Building Mania for free!

So, that's an $87 gift from me to you :)

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to get control of your business finance- now is the time! Learn more about Bad Ass Business Finance here.

PS: Also, if you want to get to know how great Andi is, you can listen to our conversation earlier this year on my podcast here.

MoneyLindsay MaloneyMoney