How to Create a Coaching Package

The coveted moment of a potential client landing on your “work with me” page isn’t to be taken for granted. It takes a lot for this to happen like browsing your home page, skimming through your about section, and seeing what you’re all about on social media. When they finally land here, you definitely don’t want to lose them.

After working and reviewing hundreds of work with me pages throughout the years, I see a few common mistakes coaches make right off the bat and it’s usually the coaching packages.

“Packages?” you ask. Yes, packages. Plural.

Let me explain.

When I first started my coaching business I had 1 package to choose from. Which meant the reader on the other side of the screen had to make a choice as to whether my coaching package made sense for them. If it didn’t, they were off on their merry way.

If the potential client hopped on a Zoom call, they’d go through the same thing.

And since I’m all about options, I decided to go from 1 package to 2. This increased my conversion rates quite a bit, but I still wasn’t satisfied.

Maybe it’s because I like doing things in 3’s (I have three kids so that’s my logic there) which is why I created not 2, but 3 different packages for my clients to choose from. Boy did this crank up my conversion rates! All of a sudden, I heard potential clients go from the “yes or no” to a “which package should I choose?” Why is that?

Well, I believe that people appreciate options when it comes to coaching packages because every coach is on a different journey. Every coach has a different set of skills and know-how. Not only that, but if I just look at my current client roster they all have different lifestyles too which means some have more time to dedicate to their business than others.

So, what do you put in your coaching packages? More importantly, what if you’re just starting? How do you begin to even put them together?

Well, I have good news for you and I hope this encourages you to not wait until you have more clout online because it’s simply unnecessary.

Thing is, is your coaching packages shouldn’t be full of “stuff.” In fact, they should be the least complicated thing you have because your time together should be completely customized. Feeling better about this yet? Time and time again, I’ve had clients breathe a sigh of relief because they weren’t just handed a bunch of cookie-cutter work, yet again, with little to no accountability.

In addition to accountability and the customized experience, you should also break your packages down into a visual so they can scan their eyes back and forth between them and compare the nitty-gritty details like:

  1. The price of each package:

I am a big believer in showing your clients how much you charge to work with them. I talk about that a lot on this episode, Should you (or should you not) include pricing on your website? I also created a handy dandy calculator to help you though this whole pricing thing and it’s free, right here!

2. Payment plan availability:

90% of my clients are on some sort of payment plan (I customize those too) and I know how much easier it is to say, “yes” to an investment like this when the stress of money is left behind. Don’t be afraid to offer these as most payment processors make it easy to set them up. Plus, you are able to foresee your income in the future instead of living month to month.

3. Bonus call time:

I like to do an assessment of my new client before we dig into our sessions so I give every client a bonus assessment call. That way I’m not eating up their session time with my digging around for info, taking notes, setting goals etc. This is a call that I use to get more info and I want them to feel heard.

4. Resources and trainings available:

You will be creating lots of materials and resources for your clients throughout your time together and if it’s your first client (yay!)then you’ll be starting from scratch, which is great because it will really put the custom feeling to it all!

5. Off-call support:

Don’t just support your clients on a Zoom session, give them an opportunity to ask questions when they’re in the thick of it. I give my clients full Voxer access to me. We also communicate quite a bit in Asana. In fact, here’s an article with a detailed video, How I Work With My Clients in Asana.

6. Session recording availability:

Hit record on your sessions or, better yet, have Zoom automatically do it for you. It’s fun for clients to look back on their time with you as it shows them how much they’ve grown. Recordings also save your clients from having to take a ton of notes during your sessions and refer back to them as needed.

7. Any additional bonus items:

What else can you add to your packages to make your clients feel special?

If you’re so fresh to this game and you don’t even have your website up yet, feel free to join my membership, The Confident Coach Club, where I give you a template to build out a coaching package pricing guide so at least you’ll have something to share with others as you build your site. In fact, I just had a wonderful student join Stand Out Coaching Academy and she used this guide to land her first client too - before her site was live!

Here are some additional coaching resources to help you out along the way too:

  1. Ask Lindsay: How to Communicate the Value of Your Coaching Packages:

  2. Coaching Business Starter Pack:

  3. Ready for Clients: