How Introverts Can Grow Their Business

Our time has finally come fellow introverts. The time for us to shine. From the comfort of our homes. 

I love this quote I found on Pinterest. It reads, "Introverts unite! Separately. In our own homes." I can totally relate. What about you?

I didn't even know about the word introvert until I heard someone talk about it on their podcast a couple of years ago and I thought immediately to myself, that is so me!

I resonate a lot with being an introvert, but I don't like titling myself as that because I don't want to fit into just one space. Does that make me even more of an introvert? 

So, why is it our time to shine? Because we love being in our comfort zone. And for the majority of us, our comfort zone is our own home. How great is it that we can work from our comfort zone yet too? Pretty dang great. 

But, how do you grow your business if you're an introvert?

Never follow one set of rules. Take bits and pieces from different people/areas of expertise and use the ones you like and know you can handle. I like to make things my own so I'm comfortable with the process and the end result.

So, let me tell you what has worked for me.

I found it very helpful to join Facebook groups that I knew I had something in common with. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my favorite Facebook group is Melyssa Griffin's Online Business BFF's group.

I've met so many amazing women here that I've collaborated with on my podcast, guest blog posts, virtual blog summits, and jv webinars. I found it so easy to reach out in a group where I felt comfortable and I love how everyone is or has been in the same boat. 

If this would have been in real life at some kind of networking event... Yeah. None of this magic would have happened. 

This worked and continues to work for me because I was able to test the waters on my own time, reach out when I felt it was right, and know that I was going to be accepted in one way or another. 

The best way to grow your business as an introvert is to develop relationships that you feel comfortable with via your preference. So, you're not a phone person right? Me neither. That God for email and DM's!

Have you downloaded my template for tracking your Connections Catalog? It will help you keep track of all of the relationships you want to build and are building. 

I love this type of relationship building because I feel in control and in my zone. As you start building these relationships your confidence in what you do and who you are is only going to increase and who knows, maybe you'll start doing some Instagram stories or going live in your Facebook group! These are big steps for those of us that prefer to hide behind our screen!

As long as you're willing to grow in some way or another a shift will happen. As you keep taking these new and small steps your business will grow. People will start to take notice in what you do more and more because you are portraying yourself in a new light and you're exposing yourself to new audiences that never even knew you existed all from the comfort of your home office/dining room/bedroom/living room. Now how great is that!?