The Secret to Running a Business that Feels Easy

Episode Transcript:

Welcome back to The Book Your Dream Clients podcast. Today I want to chat with you about how when I first started as an online business owner, how I felt completely out of place and what I did to finally feel like I was going somewhere. So sit back, relax and enjoy. I'm like a three-year-old. I ask ‘why’ a lot, I over analyze and research everything.


I think out loud and not sure how my husband feels about that... and I'm 100% okay with not following the crowd. Doing your own research will do that for you. In fact, the crowd makes me wonder sometimes. In the entrepreneurial world, there's a lot and I mean,  A LOT of loud voices. You hear them first of course.

And what they're seeing sounds exciting to you initially because they make it sound so gosh darn easy. And you're so gosh darn inspired, right? It's almost like having a shot of five-hour energy. It feels great for a second, and then you completely crash. Shout out to my career as a night nursing assistant circa 2003.

When I first started my business online, I felt super out of place. Not only did I have a nine-to-five, but I had a family to take care of. Still do. And everyone I was following at the time, the gurus who spoke the loudest, never mentioned family or careers. In fact, all I heard was quit your nine-to-five. Why? Travel the world while you run your business. Why?


Invest and everything will fall into place. And the absolute worst pitch I've heard personally from someone was, ‘my spirit guides told me to ask you to be in my $20,000 membership...’ ...are you serious? There are some consequences with listening to all of the voices out there and completely ignoring your own.

Like, you will constantly seek out validation from everything from everyone, but yourself. You will give in to shiny object syndrome and never really finish anything because, oh, that looks like it could bring 10,000 followers by Wednesday. And ooh, this will make me get to six figures in three minutes.

You'll never learn how to become the CEO of your business if you can't make a decision for yourself, much less trust yourself. You might make bad decisions for your family and career life too just saying. I actually remember being at a live workshop with a bunch of female entrepreneurs, and I raised my hand after hearing an inspirational success story from an attendee.

And I asked, this is great and all, but how come no one talks about the reality of quitting your job? What do you guys do for health insurance? Are you covered by your spouse? Like what are you guys doing? No one said anything. I had to ask though, and you know what? I still haven't heard anyone talk about it.


So I'm willing to. If you have questions, I'm here. Okay? I am not your typical online business owner. I don't live the laptop lifestyle that you see so often on your Instagram feeds. In fact, I actually have a nine-to-five, as you probably know, plus I homeschool my kids all while I run my coaching business. I don't vibe with the hustle mentality.

And I'm never going to pressure you to quit your nine-to-five because everyone else seems to be doing it too. I'm here to help make your life simple. Not add to the stress. And I want to tell you something, you don't have to do what everyone else does. And you don't have to listen to all the noise. It's okay to think for yourself. And better yet, follow your intuition so you always know what to do next in your business. 

I don't believe that there's only one way to make a connection between you and your dream clients. And I certainly don't believe that you have to hustle to make it happen either. Let me know if this resonates with you. Send me a message on Instagram. Let me know if you listened and if you have any questions. I would love to hear from you, and I will see you on the next episode. 

Before you go, I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group for coaches. Simply type ‘Dream Client’ in your browser, request access, and we will happily let you in. We have amazing coaches in there just like you who are starting and scaling their business and we would love to see you there.