How to Get Clients Consistently

Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Book Your Dream Clients podcast. Today. I want to chat with you about how to get clients consistently. So sit back, relax and enjoy.


All right. I have a question for you. Do you feel like you have a ton of potential, but no one notices it? Do you feel like you have everything set up but nothing's coming? Like if I could just get people, I know they would love what I have. Do you ever feel that way? There are three reasons why that's happening.

You think that if you spend all of your time on social media, that it will surely give you results, and it's getting exhausting, to be honest. You never talk about your one-on-one packaging because you hate to sound desperate. In fact, you're getting uncomfortable just thinking about it. Or you're counting on Google to give you the traffic you need, and you're constantly obsessing over your analytics.

Are you making any of those mistakes? It's okay. All of your eggs are in one basket though. Which leads you to obsessing over just one way to get clients. You're completely ignoring the investment patterns of your potential clients and you risk them going to someone else. There are quick investors and slow investors, and you need to be set up to cater to both buying patterns so you don't miss out on one more client, okay?

We have to stop turning people away and open up more doors so they can find us right now. So here's the deal. We have to create multiple entry points for potential clients to discover us. There are two types, right? The slow and the quick. The ones who were going to mull over your sales page for days and the ones who will find you on Google and instantly know that you're the one. We have to be able to be there for both.


Let's talk about that client type number one. She usually takes between one month to three years to move forward. They've downloaded something from you a while ago and are well aware of what you're doing, even if they're quiet about it. That's another important reason for you to show up consistently by the way.

They've spent a lot of time on your sales page, on your site. They're very thorough and they mull over your copy, packages, pricing, all the things. They know your website., Probably more than you do. They mostly come from downloading multiple freebies, following you on social media for quite a while, and soaking up the free content that you put out there.

Client number two typically takes between one day to one month to move forward. They know what they want and they're on a mission to find it. These clients go with their instincts and can tell almost immediately if you're the right coach for them. They need to feel a strong connection with you, which is why your ‘I help’ statement is so powerful.

They want to get the ball rolling like, yesterday. So make sure you have your you-know-what together so you can take care of them with confidence. They mostly come from Google, social media or downloading something from you on Pinterest. How do they actually find you though? That's the question. Client type one is going to find you by freebies, consistent content medium, consistent social media posting, Facebook group, webinar (or webinars), and your sales page with great packaging.


Client type number two, she's going to find you on Google. That's why good SEO comes in handy. An awesome sales page with really great copy, great coaching packages, a smooth discovery call process, a personalized and fun onboarding workflow and a strong ‘I help’ statement is so important, okay? So think of the house with one door and you're just relying on that one door.

It's like Instagram post. And every post you get, you have high hopes and it never works out. Nobody clicks on your LinkedIn profile. Nobody goes to your sales page. What the heck? That's why we can't rely on Instagram, on reels, on stories, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Pinterest, on Google. We can't rely just on one thing.

If I look at the board to my left with all of my current clients on there, they all came to me differently. And that's proof to you that you have to have multiple entry points. I just gave you a ton of information. If you need help with any of this, you have questions, I want to encourage you to Voxer me those questions, because I want to be able to talk this out with you.

I've been doing this for years, and this is legit information from my past history with clients. Okay? So I want to help you please. Voxer me. It's a free app. It's like a walkie-talkie. You can text me or voice message me. I'm happy to help you. I want you to get some clients this week.  So let me know if you implement anything that I have taught you. And when you get your client, let me know. I want to celebrate that with you. I will see one the next episode, and thank you so much for listening.

Before you go, I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group for coaches. Simply type ‘’ in your browser and request access, and we will happily let you in. We have amazing coaches that are just like you who are starting and scaling their business and we would love to see you there