How to Book Clients With Your Facebook Group

Welcome back to the Book Your Dream Clients podcast. I'm excited to share with you today, how to book clients with your Facebook group. So sit back, relax and enjoy. 

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One of the biggest questions I get from clients and students is if they should have a Facebook group. I think a lot of times it feels like it's going to be another huge task on their list that they have to work on every day. They have this feeling that they're going to have to spend a ton of time sitting in their Facebook groups. So they feel that they should probably have one and they want to know how it can actually work with their schedule and they don't want it to take up a bunch of their time. And I totally get that. I think we can spend as much time on a project or a task as we allow ourselves to.

So the first thing that I usually say to my people is, do you. I believe that your audience is hanging out on Facebook. Most of the time they are. A lot of people are on Facebook, you know, to check-in. Scroll through their feed and check-in with the groups that they belong to. My group, the book your dream clients group, if you're not a part of that, please join us to go to, it's free. It's full of coaches who are either starting or scaling their business. They might have this idea of becoming a coach and they just want to surround themselves with other people that can support them. And they know that they have the opportunity for networking with other female entrepreneurs, mainly coaches who are inside the group. 

And people just like to be a part of things. Right? So think about your audience. Do they crave that same close-knit relationship with like-minded people? I think that applies to any business, Facebook groups make things more concentrated. It allows them to get to know the owner of the Facebook group. If the owner is, you know, present and consistent with their posting, et cetera. You've been a part of Facebook groups where, you know, they have tens of thousands of people inside. And then you never see the actual creator post or engage. I have been a part of those groups. I remember when I first started my business. 

It was part of a huge Facebook group. Very well-known. And I never seen the person ever post or engage with anybody. It was just their team members and scheduled postings from a Facebook scheduler. I don't want my business to be like that. I want my business to be very personal. I think that if I started a business, I should be prepared to communicate with the people who are, you know, working to achieve a goal and using my tools and strategies and knowledge to help them. I think that's my responsibility. 

So if you're prepared to be that person in a group setting, then by all means go and create one. I think creating a Facebook group is such a powerful thing for your business, because it allows you to communicate with people on a platform where they're used to opening up on their phone or on their computers every day. So that being said, your Facebook group doesn't have to be this place for where you're just selling. Right? It has to be a place where you're, it's almost the same strategy as Instagram. You're educating, you're inspiring. You're entertaining. You're doing a variety of things. You're not just constantly posting that you have one more spot on your Facebook. 

And your one-on-one coaching program and you have one more spot for clients and you have this for sale on this first sale. You're not doing that. That should be a part of your equation, but it's not the whole thing. And I think that that should feel like a sigh of relief to you because you might feel a little bit leery about creating one cause you don't want to be salesy.  Well, good news. You don't have to be. You can just be you. How beautiful is that? Right?

When I created my Facebook group, I always say my first people to join was my mom. And then my grandma, we all start from zero. Do not wait for a thousand people to be in there for you to actually engage with people and treat it like a real group. If five people are in your group, you take care of them. You make sure that you know, their names, you engage with them when they speak to you and you provide them value because if five people came to your house right now and asked you for help, you wouldn't say, well, let's just wait until there's like 1000 people here. You would never do that. So don't do that with your Facebook group. 

Everyone starts at zero. And I. I think it's amazing that Facebook hid the number. It's a little bit harder to find your total number in your group. So when we track our metrics for the group every Monday, you have to go and scroll over and click on members, and then you can see your exact number. Before that number was just front and center. And I think that made people obsess way too much. I hate obsessing about numbers. I think it's important to track your growth. But not obsess about every little thing.

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So if we are creating our group and we are acting as if there are thousands of people in there or hundreds, whatever your goal is. You're going to start at zero. And you're going to grow. It might be a slow process. That's okay with me. Patience is key when it comes to the growth of your Facebook group. So don't get all worked up about the numbers. That's point number one. Point number two is create a way that you can be consistent with your group in a way that feels right for you. You don't have to go live every day. You don't have to post all the things that annoy you about other people's Facebook groups.

So, what are those things? What things that annoy you about other people's Facebook groups? I know there are some things and I'm not even going to say what annoys me. I think that you need to decide how you want your Facebook group to stand out. How do you want your Facebook group to be different from everyone else's? So when you actually post something, people engage and like, answer questions, et cetera. How can you make that? 

How can your group be what you wish you had? So for me, I loved the fact that I created a way for women to collaborate with each other. So we have a spreadsheet in our Facebook group where people can look up other businesses, what they do, how they would want to collab with other entrepreneurs and they can go and work with each other. I've had really great feedback from this feature and I have never seen any other Facebook group do this. 

We also have a great plan in place for content. So we post every single day, sometimes more than once a day. It depends on what's going on to engage our audience. So we have a mixture of that providing value. We're educating our members. We are selling and we are entertaining and we're asking questions. 

I have a brilliant planner inside Standout Coaching Academy that helps you create 30 days of Facebook posts for your group. You could use this for any kind of social media platform, and you can literally create your content and probably 15 to 20 minutes. As long as you have a plan and you know what to plug in each day is easy. So think of all the assets that you have in your business. 

And are you consistently talking about them in your group? Do you have a one-on-one program? Do you have a one-on-one coaching program? Do you have a group program? Do you have a blog? Do you have a podcast? Promote your Instagram? Promote your Pinterest account, promote your freebies, your masterclasses, your application to work with you. There are so many ways we can talk about ourselves. So we don't feel like we're constantly selling. If you have a ton of freebies, schedule them all out in different on different weeks of every Friday. You want to release a new freebie. Or a past freebie to your group, put that in your schedule, the key is being consistent and it's also important to work ahead. 

Do not be the day-to-day coach. Plan your content ahead of time. You will tahnk me when a kid gets sick or when you just don't feel like stay sitting in front of the computer, or you're busy with client calls and you realize you haven't posted to Facebook. Don't live your life that way. That is way too stressful. And it sounds like a recipe for anxiety to me. I work 30 days ahead in my Facebook group, because I know that that's what works for me. But if a week ahead works best for you, then go do that. You have to do what's best for you. So, how do you, how do you actually get clients from your Facebook group? Let me tell you something tangible here. One way is to let them know that you have a spot open when you have a spot open. You don't need to say this every week, because then it looks like you're dropping clients every week, which isn't probably realistic. So once a month, one thing that I do is when I wrap up a time with a client, whether it's a 12 month client or a three-month client, I will look at my calendar and adjust if needed. And if I have spots, then I'm going to shout out to my group and my email list. First that I have a spot open for a client. And here's how you can work with me and call to action is to apply. 

I don't give them access to my calendar. Just because they're in my group doesn't mean that they're going to get access to that right away. They need to apply in order to get on that discovery call with me. So take a look at your own calendar. Do you have space for another client? And then let your group know and then let your list know.

Another way to give your Facebook group members a taste of what it's like to work with you is to share testimonials and reviews from past current clients or students. Even if I have, you know, a Voxer message from a client or a Facebook post from a student, I screenshot everything that is a confidence booster for myself and validation that what I teach works. And it's in a folder called the praise from students. So I screenshot everything. That would be a great reveal. I will take it to Canva. I'll block out the name and the picture. If it's a voxer conversation, I'm going to scribble the names out to keep, you know, the client private. But I'm going to share those wins with my group because it shows that I have what it takes to help them with their goals starting or scaling their coaching business. And that's important for me to transfer to my group because they might not know that I'm working with clients. 

I think, we assume that everybody thinks we do what we do, but they don't know that they think, Oh, she has a Facebook group. And that's it. Okay. So let people know that you are working with clients and that you have powerful transformations that you can share with them. And I love the messy screenshots from social media or Voxer or you know, an email or whatever it is because it's real, it's not just a text and a picture. Cause we don't know if that's real. But these are real. So I love that stuff and I have a bunch of them on my Standout Coaching Academy sales page. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you can kind of see what I'm talking about. So share those things with your group. Again, put a call to action for them to apply to work with you.

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Another powerful way to get clients is to create a webinar with a call to action to guess what. Apply to work with you. You're not pitching, you're not probably even saying a dollar amount. That way you can keep this webinar going. Every time you raise your prices. So if you have an awesome webinar that you have in mind that your future clients would learn something from you. Put it together. Have your pitch be to apply. Do it live and then recycle it. So it's evergreen. So people can watch it whenever they want and apply to work with you. There are some huge results with this strategy. And I don't think anyone's talking about it. You don't just have to do webinars for your group program to do them for your one-on-ones. It works fabulously. 

We also have a really cool strategy that we teach in the confident coach club to have a coaching package, brochure style PDF. So you can literally take your sales page copy and your images and make it into a nice PDF that people can download. You can attach it to emails. You can post it as a freebie inside your Facebook group, put the call to action on that particular PDF is again to work with you. There are so many ways that you can make this different from everyone else besides just saying, “I have a spot open. Book a call with me.” That's boring. Be different. Inside my program, Standout Coaching Academy and the Confident Coach Club, we have a ton of ways for you to get clients. So don't just solely rely on your Facebook group. There are other ways you will bring clients in, all it takes is you building a strong foundation for your business by implementing organic marketing, being consistent and everything will start coming together and your business will start running like a well-oiled machine. Cause I know that's what we want.

So I have a bonus tip for you. How do you actually get people into your Facebook group? Without running ads. Number one promote it on your thank you pages. Number two, talk about it on your Instagram stories and on your Facebook posts. Number three, put it on your website. Number four, put it on your freebies for them to join your group for extra support. And number five, put pins on Pinterest that drive traffic to your Facebook group page. Those will fill it up. I promise you, and you will thank me.

If you have any questions about what I just taught you. Please let me know in the facebook group I’d love to answer them for you and thank you so much for listening to this episode. I will see you on the next one!