How to Take Your Coaching Business to the Next Level and Be Successful

Do you ever feel lost, behind, or like you missed a day of school when it comes to your business? Does it feel like everyone knows the answer except you? I remember feeling that way when I started to grow my business too. And to be honest, sometimes it still comes up.

When I first started building my business, I thought I had it all. I had a ton of printables in front of me and all the podcasts playing in my head all the time. I thought, “I got this!” But really, I didn't know how to structure all of the tools, information, and ideas at all. I didn't know how to actually take action on anything. I was in the game of collecting information and feeling inspired! I was not taking action on anything though and we all know that taking action in our businesses can feel pretty scary sometimes, especially when you're just starting.

I am a very structured person and when I decided to take that trait and apply it to my business the way I do in my life, everything started to kind of turn around a little bit. It seemed like things started to move forward and that’s when I realized that what I needed next, was accountability.

It wasn't enough for me to just sit at my desk and do the work and check off the boxes and come up with the ideas. What I really needed was to say, “Lindsay, when are you going to make this happen? When are you going to do this? If you said you wanted to do this, how was this going?”

Because we know that as a coach, we have lots of ideas. We want to create a new freebie, launch a podcast, design a new program, redo our website, get ahead with social media, etc. There are so many things that we want to do, right? The list is endless and it seems like every time you actually get the list done, there's always a new list waiting for you.

Having accountability in my business life, was a game-changer. Let me be frank here. Post-its are not going to move your business forward, writing down all of your goals in that fancy new planner won’t move your business forward. Keeping all of your ideas locked up in a rainy day folder for when the perfect time comes is not going to move your business forward.

There's honestly nothing like having someone to help you along the way, to hold you accountable for the things that you say you want to accomplish. There's nothing more disappointing than looking at the list that you've had kept secret and set aside for months or maybe even years and realizing that you haven't even touched that thing because you're waiting for the perfect time.

And let me tell you something, there is no perfect time to do anything in your business. I always say the right time to do something is when you feel really excited, prepared, and a little anxious with a little bit of butterflies on top! Don't do something because it's in front of you and because you want to get it done just to get it over. I don't want you to do that. I want you to do something because you feel excited about it and because you have faith in it. I also want you to get help if you feel that you’re lacking accountability.

The best part about working with clients is the one-on-one connection where we can talk about all of the ideas that they have. There's nothing better than that. It’s so exciting to help clients organize everything to see how it fits with the structure of their business.

If you feel like you need some help, some accountability to get things done in your business, and you're tired of doing this alone feel free to review my coaching packages to see what kind of support you need. Because let me tell you, there is nothing like having a coach in your back pocket to guide you along the way.