How to Start Your Coaching Business From Home

I remember the feeling all to well. And it sometimes creeps up on me still. The feeling that is difficult to describe, yet very strong. The phrase that comes to my mind when I put myself back in this place is, "I know I was made to do more."

How to Start Your Coaching Business From Home

I remember feeling guilty for wanting to do more with my life. I almost felt spoiled or ungrateful for wanting something in addition to my perfect little family and my full time job. 

It took me a long time to realize that I was worthy of my dreams. Even if the path to my dreams was a bit foggy, I had to keep telling myself that I was worthy and I could do anything if I really wanted to.

I always knew I wanted to help people in some way and that's why starting my own coaching business was the perfect thing for me to do. 

Creating and operating my business while I can work from home has allowed me to achieve my lifelong dream of teaching. I had always secretly wished I would have gone to school to be a teacher, but I didn't have the confidence to go for it and I switched to a degree that I felt more comfortable with. #everythinghappensforareason

When you Google "how to work from home" a billion search results come up. I remember how frustrating it was to see these gimmicky websites promising women and moms, who ached to contribute more to themselves and to their families, the world. 

Women tend to be really good at this one thing. Not giving themselves enough, if any, credit. They don't realize they have a gift, whether big or small, that they could offer to the world. They think they're too boring and basic and that no one would ever want to take advice from them. 

Women are also really good at writing down a million (brilliant) ideas about what they want to do with their lives and then setting them aside because good ol' doubt kicks in.

I'm here to change that up for you. No more doubt. No more sighing as you crumble up yet another piece of paper. And no more feeling like you're not capable.

Because you are. You so are.

If you're the type of girl who really feels like she's meant to do more and you have a ton of ideas, let's sit down and chat.

I want to ask you some questions:

  1. When you look at your list of ideas, which one jumps out at you and makes your heart pound a bit harder? If you have more than one, that's okay.

  2. This idea you have, is it something that people already recognize you for being really good at? For example, let's say you love planning weddings (you planned yours yourself and some relatives as well) and now that you think about it, a lot of people come to you for advice...

  3. Why do they come to you for advice?

  4. Are you excited when people ask you about this topic?

  5. Could you go on and on for hours about it?

Then, my love, I think we have something here! If you're constantly giving out free advice and feel like you're ready to make something of this, then I am begging you to stop running away from the fact that you totally got this! The world needs you!

Let's dig deeper. When I first started my coaching business (7 years ago, I was a personal trainer), I had a gmail address, a dream, and some really cute notebooks. I knew I wanted to work with people and help them reach their goals and when I finally got my website up I had no clue how to build my business for long term growth. 

I was totally lost on:

  • how to get traffic to my site

  • how to book clients

  • how to speak with clients. Should I do video? Should I record it? How do they schedule time?

  • how to sell my programs and packages

  • how to follow up

  • how to nurture the teeny tiny audience I had

  • how often to post on social media

  • how often to blog

I had no clue! And these were just basic things. I can't even tell you how frustrated and lost I felt the more I learned about launching, advertising, sales funnels, and everything else in between!

I tried so many different software programs and tools until I was happy. I dug deep and sometimes I would come out a complete mess and sometimes I would come out wiping my hands together in satisfaction. 

I got so frustrated constantly searching for answers from various gurus.

Why does it seem like no one ever wants to tell you what they actually use unless they're an affiliate for something?

I want you to succeed and I'm not going to hide anything from you. That's why I'm giving you a list of every single tool that I use in my business right now. No fluff, just a list. 

This is how I treat my one on one clients. I don't hand them a confused map of random steps and suggestions of what they should do and say "good luck!" I tell them what to do, when to do it, and how. 

That's all we really ever want when we're trying something new right? The exact steps from someone who's been there and from someone you can trust is what will get you to where you want and deserve to be!