lindsay maloney

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How to Stand Out in the Entrepreneurial World

Have you ever noticed that there are one-hit-wonder coaches? These are coaches that you see who are doing very well one day, and then all of a sudden, they’re gone. Their audience is left wondering what happened to them.

If you are building a sustainable coaching business, you obviously don’t want the same to happen to you. Being a one-hit-wonder is not sustainable in the long run. In this blog post, I will touch on the points that will make you stand out in the entrepreneurial world, thus making sure that you’re not just a one-hit-wonder coach, but a coach who will be able to help and make a difference in people’s lives.

Release attachment

The biggest factor in how I was able to run a sustainable business is that I let myself evolve. I didn't become attached to anything that I wanted to be or what I thought I should be. I just let myself evolve into where I needed to go and I was totally open to it. 

Building a business isn’t an overnight thing. It's something that we should all be patient with. One of the most important things that we can do as entrepreneurs is to stop tying ourselves up with all of these expectations that mean really nothing. It might take you two years, it may take you nine years, or whatever it is. But if you just let go, it's going to be so much easier. All it takes is to rewrite the story you’ve been telling yourself, learn to trust the journey that you’re in, and live with it. I see this all the time with my clients; the moment that they release attachment and expectations, it all works out for them.

Affirmations that can help you:

  • Everything works out in my favor.

  • People are excited to work with me.

  • I am capable of filling out my group program.

  • Wonderful things are always happening to me.

  • It is perfectly safe for me to release my attachments and let go.

Investing in yourself and in your business

Before I invest in my business, I always choose to lean into my intuition. I invest in a coach or a program that I know will make me take a step further in my business. Before making the investment, I sleep on it and go with the feeling that comes in the morning. My intuition in the morning is at its strongest.

My last big investment was with one of my past mentors, James Wedmore. I was really nervous because it was the biggest investment I ever made in my business. I remember just doing it like I was going to order a pair of shoes online. I was trying to make it not that big of a deal because I knew it's always going to come back to me.

However, I was still worried about getting the five-figure investment back within the next year. I had to really throw my trust out there so I could take inspired consistent action. And I made my money back in 30 days. It blew my mind away but that's just proof that every time you put it out there, it will come back to you if you say it will.

Lastly, I want you to listen to yourself more and trust your gut instincts and whatever it is telling you. If you believe that somebody can help you and you trust yourself, go with them, because they can help you get to where you want to be. I think that's always been a really important key to my success; I've always reached out to people for help, people that I believe can help me get to where I want to go.

Surround yourself with people ahead of you

It’s also essential to surround yourself with people who are ahead of you. You don't always have to have a coach but you should always be surrounding yourself with a group of people who you look up to. So whether it's a coach or in a group program, whatever that may be, it makes you see what is possible for you too.

When you’re going at it alone, you're kind of blindsided.  You’re not sure what it looks like to launch something, or how to reach out to a person who wants to work with you, etc. You can't put yourself in those feelings if you're not surrounding yourself with people who are ahead of you. 

How do you stand out as an online entrepreneur? Share your best tips below!