How to Sell Out Your Next Offer in 8 Easy Steps

Episode Highlights:

  • Creating the Title: Learn how to craft a compelling and transformation-focused title for your offer.

  • Listing the Details: Understand the importance of outlining every aspect of your offer to meet your audience’s needs.

  • Setting the Price: Get tips on how to price your offer based on your involvement and the value provided.

  • Deciding on the Format: Discover the best format for delivering your content, whether it’s a workbook, masterclass, or full course.

  • Planning the Timing: Choose between pre-selling your offer or setting a creation deadline to keep yourself accountable.

  • Creating the Branding: Use Canva and other tools to design eye-catching branding that resonates with your audience.

  • Creating the Pages: Learn how to set up simple yet effective checkout and thank you pages to streamline the purchase process.

  • Selling Consistently: Commit to daily promotion through various channels to maximize your reach and sales.

I'm excited to talk to you about how to sell out your next offer in just eight easy steps. Many coaches have lots of ideas for their next product launch but may struggle to move it from concept to being sold to the next student or customer. Let's break this down in the simplest way possible.

1. Create the Title of the Offer**

This is my personal process, and it works best for me. If you need to develop the content before the title, that's fine too. Think about the transformation your offer provides. People are looking for the end goal, not the process. Your title should reflect the positive change they can achieve. For example, "The Dream Client Code" implies a special method to attract ideal clients. Sometimes the simpler, the better.

2. List the Details

Create bullet points outlining what your offer includes. Break down the tangible items and steps that will lead to the transformation. Whether it's a course on making five figures with a low-ticket offer or something else, make sure you cover all necessary aspects to deliver on your promise. Don't worry about the number of bullets—just ensure you're thorough.

3. Set the Price

Pricing can be tricky, but don’t overthink it. Consider how much time your offer will take from you after it's created. My low-ticket offers are typically between $0 and $27 because they require minimal ongoing involvement. Just set a price and go with it.

4. Decide on the Format

Determine the best format for delivering your offer. This could be a workbook, a masterclass, a mini-program, or a full-on course. Think about how your audience will best absorb the content and what will help them achieve the transformation you're promising.

5. Plan the Timing

Decide when you'll deliver your offer. You can pre-sell it to start bringing in income before it's fully created, just ensure you set a clear delivery date. Alternatively, give yourself a deadline for creation and start selling after that. Choose a method that keeps you motivated and accountable.

6. Create the Branding

Design the branding for your offer using tools like Canva. Create a thumbnail or image that captures the essence of your offer. Use this branding consistently in your promotions to build recognition and anticipation.

7. Create the Pages

You don't need lengthy sales pages. A simple checkout page and a thank you page will suffice. I use ThriveCart, which allows for easy duplication and tweaking of offers. Make sure your customers can immediately access what they purchased, whether it’s through a course platform, Google Drive, or a PDF.

8. Sell, Sell, Sell

Commit to selling your offer every day through social media, email, and wherever your audience is. Talk about it consistently in your stories, on your website, and in all communications. Keep selling until everyone in your audience has purchased.

These eight steps can be repeated for every offer you create. I’d love to know how this process works for you. Send me a DM and let me know when it works because it makes me so happy to see others succeed with these methods.

Thank you so much for reading! I'll see you in the next blog post.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on the transformation your offer provides rather than the process.

  • Outline your offer’s details thoroughly to ensure you deliver on your promise.

  • Price your offer based on the time and effort it requires from you post-purchase.

  • Choose a delivery format that best suits your audience’s learning style.

  • Plan your launch timing and stick to it to maintain momentum.

  • Create consistent and recognizable branding to build anticipation.

  • Simplify the sales process with straightforward checkout and thank you pages.

  • Promote your offer consistently across all platforms to ensure maximum visibility and sales.

Resources Mentioned:

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