How to Nurture Your Email List

Are you aware that your email list isn't just for selling? So many people shy away from having one because they don't have anything to sell and they also feel like they nothing to say and would just be annoying. It doesn't have to be like that! Let me show you how to create a plan that will treat your email subscribers to info they WANT!

First, before we get started, be sure to grab your free templates!

Okay. The purpose of doing this is to build relationships with the people who voluntarily signed up to receive something from you. 

So, we're not talking about building our list today, we're talking about nurturing the people that are already on it. They're very important! Why, because they're your buddies! They found you interesting, helpful, and awesome at one point in time and they gave you their email address! 

You're a giver right? Good. Because you need to get in that mindset. You will NOT be linking to any sales pages, products, or anything you could profit from. 

Time to brainstorm!

Start creating a database of ideas...hint hint download the templates... I think 30 ideas is a good start. Here's a list to help you get started:

  • Link to podcasts or podcast episodes they may find helpful

  • Link to blog articles (not yours) that could help them

  • A sale on equipment they may use

  • YouTube videos they would find educating

  • Webinars or workshops they would benefit from attending

I love it when my best friend will text me and tell me about something that may be of interest to me, like a sale on my favorite mascara (I know, lame). Or when my brother sends me a link to a YouTube video he thinks I'll like. They are only showing me that they are thinking of me, that they care, and that this could make my life a bit easier. That's how you treat your list!

Don't be afraid of unsubscribes!

I know they're a bummer, but they're only people who were never meant to be on your list at this moment in time. They may join up again in the future, but for now, you're not their cup of tea. No biggie. As long as you are providing value to your core audience, that's all that matters! Eventually they will see you as this big giver and they'll marvel at your business and what you stand for. Now that's awesome.


Don't just use these awesome ideas for your list! Use them to post on social media, like your Facebook page and Twitter! We're always looking for things to post right? So, use this template to create your social media posts as well! Make sure you tweet or hashtag the owner for credit and maybe they'll retweet/share with their audience too! 

Also, don't forget to make sure your website is optimized to generate all of those new leads you will get! There's a really great article on Siteoscope that talks about the process of driving the right traffic to your site, capturing your leads, and nurturing them. We love to nurture, don't we? :)