How to Clarify Your Brand Message With Haylee Stamper

Lindsay (00:53):

Haley. Thank you so much for being on the book, your gym clients podcast. I'm so excited to have you on today.

Haley (00:58):

Great. I am excited too.

How to clarify your brand message

Lindsay (01:01):

Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone and let us all know what you do and who you serve.

Haley (01:08):

Alright, well, I'm Haley stamper and I'm a self evolution expert. I have kind of landed on that quote, unquote title, because as you know, like in this online industry, it's like finding that the words that match, what you do for people is sometimes not. So crystal clear I work with women in their life and their business, but essentially it's just how to elevate to that next level. Like how to see everything as progress and evolution. So whether it's strategy, mindset, a little bit of energy, I'm a little bit, woo, woo. I call myself. But yeah, it's a little bit based on just their life, their business, all the things, but it comes from essentially from viewing it all as evolution.

Lindsay (01:57):

I love that. So how did you evolve into what you're doing?

Haley (02:01):

Well, I started out, I've always been an entrepreneur. I mean, back, like I started at 13, just helping teach ice skating. I was a competitive figure skater and kind of went down that I've always been like in the teaching, wanting to mentor and help people role. And went through 17 years in the health and wellness industry with Pilates, like teaching private Pilates, teaching people in their homes and in studios. Yeah. And it progressed where I loved helping. Especially women feel better about themselves, but the physical level, wasn't where I wanted to stop. And so kind of found coaching myself, going through a, just a low point in my own emotional and personal life. And then working through that with someone, I was like, ah, this is what I've been looking for. I really want to help help them on help women on a deeper level, like find their power and see it all as progress. So yeah, I began kind of going through my own personal health and mindset journey, I guess you could say. And then from there I kind of began helping women in the arena of having gone through mental and emotional abuse. I was helping women kind of find their power through that again. And then it's just evolved. It really truly has just evolved into more of the life and business coaching aspect of it. So,

Lindsay (03:24):

So your clients now today, why, why are they coming to you? What are they struggling with?

Haley (03:30):

Oh, the number one thing I hear is stuck. They feel stuck. They just feel like they've been trying it. Usually the women that come to me have, have explored entrepreneurship. They've been going after that thing that they feel is in their heart, but they feel like something's blocking them. Something's not working. And they began to get frustrated because it's not flowing. It's not looking how they thought it was going to look. And yes. So I pretty much help them realign. Sometimes it's like just a subtle little shift that they might be thinking of something differently or there might be something just misaligned with the actions that they're taking, but I help them kind of identify what, what it is that they think they need to be doing versus what's really feeling good to them. And what's aligned for them

Lindsay (04:19):

Getting unstuck or feeling stuck is so common. Why do you think that is?

Haley (04:26):

That's a great question. I feel like there's a lot of pressure that we put on ourselves for things to look the way we see other people. Like if you go online and you especially social media, it's beautiful, but you see all of these amazing, like we call it the highlight reel, right on social media, everything's looking great. And it's like, wow, their business took off so fast and they are so happy and things look amazing. And I'm over here, you know, wanting to pull my hair out. Cause I can't figure out how to work this or how to work that. And I think, yeah, I think it's sometimes comes down to that comparison concept. And the minute you can just kind of put your blinders on and just figure out really what feels right to you and what are you really here to do and then figure out how to best do that. I feel like that's kind of where people get that stuck feeling is I don't think they're often as stuck as they think they are. It's just the perception

Lindsay (05:22):

100%. And sometimes I can feel the frustration in my students or clients when they ask me a question and I say, well, what feels right for you? And they're almost like, Oh, just tell me what to do.

Haley (05:36):

It's true. It's like, what's the answer? What am I supposed? I'm like, there is no magic answer. Like I wish we all came with like a male.

Lindsay (05:46):

I know. I always, I'm very sarcastic. So I'll say, well, you go to this website and you click this button and then everything magically happens. You are now ready for the new passage. Right.

Haley (05:58):

What is that website? I wish

Lindsay (06:00):

I know it's, it's, it's all, it's all inside. It's so wizard of Oz, like you've had it this whole time and you're just discrediting yourself and you're off looking at everyone else. And like you have this gold right inside you when you keep ignoring it. Why do you think people ignore all that good stuff that they have?

Haley (06:22):

Oh yeah. I mean, it's funny you say that because when you were talking, I was like, yes, I always think of myself as like a mirror, you know? Like it's like, I'm just the mirror. You have all the answers, you know, what you're here to do. It's just literally being able to see it. Why do they discredit that? I mean, I think growth is uncomfortable. I think that's a big part of it. I mean, I think, you know, I always tell people like in their own evolution, like there are points where you're going to have to look at the things and the minds, the patterns and things that we've been thinking and believing about ourselves for so long. And in order to really go to that next level and to really own your, your strengths, you also have to, I think, own some of your weaknesses and lean into some of that discomfort. I think there's also that misconception, that growth is all positive and effortless and it feels so good and it does at points, but you know, you have to kind of go through some of the darkness sometimes to get to that light. And I think that that's uncomfortable for a lot of people.

Lindsay (07:25):

Not only, you know, we're not, we always have to go through darkness and, and learn. And I think it's in the perspective of what you're going through and how can you make this into something positive if we all have those moments in our business where we're like, what is going on here is the internet broken and why am I sitting here? We all have those moments, but then you have to, for me, I have to take a step back a really, really far step back and get that really great bird's eye view and look at the big picture because sometimes we get so engrossed in that tiny little situation or whatever it is we get so caught up in our own mind, and we're not even seeing what's around us, the potential ahead of us or anything. And I think a lot of it kind of goes back to confidence where we don't have confidence in moving forward. So we're just going to try and be like her. We don't have confidence in our message. So we're just going to try and be like her too. We don't have confidence that our branding, so we're going to be like her. And pretty soon you're just like all these different people. And you're wondering why nothing's working for you. Do you see that with your people?

Haley (08:35):

Oh yes. Yes. Very much. And I think that's a big part of what I do is just helping figure out who they are when they wish that all of the things that they think they should be. And all of the things that they see especially several of my clients are in network marketing companies. And that's one where I will see that a lot too is, and it can be any industry, especially online, but you see someone, you know, in your upline or you see someone doing something that's really working well for them, or you see another coach in the industry that's, you know, exploding. And it's like, Oh, what are they doing? And, you know, it's just part of the human nature to try to figure out what they did and dissect it and try to reenact it in yourself. But the key is to really just like, I think celebrate the people around you that are doing amazing, like be really excited for them and get in that energy of like, wow, look, what's possible rather than how do I do what they did

Lindsay (09:30):

Exactly. Because when you try and do what they did, it's not going to work. It might feel really good for like two seconds. And then you're trying to figure out, okay, now how do I sound like how I look? And it just becomes this disaster. I love that you help people clarify their message. And I think a lot of times people just need to be, just need to have somebody to bounce something off of. Cause they don't quite feel confident. And like, let's say, it's just there, you know, I'm a business and success coach kind of saying, do you help them clarify that message?

Haley (10:05):

Oh yes. Yeah. Like I was saying the very beginning, like to me, I've narrowed my own down to self evolution expert because I felt like that's the core of what I do. And I try to help my clients see that in themselves too, that like, what does coach even mean? Like what do you mean someone? What does that, you know, what are the people that you're working with really saying afterwards, what are they receiving and how to look at some of those things and figure out what it is that you're specifically helping them with and not worrying about what words you use to describe yourself in that. Yeah. Cause I think there's a big attachment to titles. It seems. Yeah. And titles are helpful. You want them to be clear enough that people can identify the concept of what you do, but I think it's important to not be afraid to kind of branch out and really get a little bit more specific on how you're serving

Lindsay (11:00):

Any tips on how to get clear on that when people are feeling like they can identify with it, it doesn't feel right. And if someone came up to them and ask them what they did, they would stumble and probably talk about it for five minutes. Do you have any tips for clarifying your message?

Haley (11:18):

Yeah. I mean, I usually start first a little bit more broad with people. So I have a concept that I use called pillar stories and it's the three main stories that make up your entire business. So your entire brand, and it's kind of, it, doesn't it's little soul work involved, but you have to go back and kind of think what are the three pivotal things that either you stand for or that got you to where you are or a topic where I always say, if someone in the room is talking about it, you just can't shut your mouth because you just are that passionate about it. And so when you can identify those three main foundational that you stand for in your business, then from there, you can kind of take a look at, okay, so let's say it is helping women find their voice and maybe financial freedom. And let's say the third one is self care or self worth or something like that. Right. And so then from there you can kind of mesh them together and go, okay. So how do you use these three concepts with the people that you're working with and what are the results that they get? And then you can kind of bring that together to where you can create kind of your own little mini slogan or tagline. That makes sense. So that's kind of the process I take them through.

Lindsay (12:33):

I love that because that's one thing that I always got caught up on and still do. And so many of my students will try so hard and it seems like it's, you can't do anything else in your business until you have that set.

Haley (12:47):

Yes. Yes. I mean, it's so true. And yeah, and I always tell people too, like this, this is the big thing. I'm like, it's all just a journey. Like even your name, like it will evolve again. Right? I mean, I've changed my title so many times and I think the minute you give yourself permission to be okay with that, that it's like, here it is, this is the last thing I'm ever gonna use. This is perfect fit forever. Well, you know, hopefully we all are leaning into growing and learning and improving even in our business. And so as you learn and grow and shift, so may be what you call yourself.

Lindsay (13:26):

A lot of people think, well, if I switched stuff, everyone's going to notice. And then they're going to think that I'm wishy washy, but really nobody really notices

Haley (13:35):

Exactly. Nobody's standing over our businesses with the magnifying glasses. They are, what will they think? And it's attention to the degree that you are. Okay.

Lindsay (13:47):

I do have students when I make changes to my website, I'll give them 24 hours and I know they're going to be asking, well, why did you do this? I love that.

Haley (14:00):

Yeah. They're very engaged in what you're doing. That's amazing though.

Lindsay (14:04):

Yes. I have so many coaches that I, that listen to this podcast. I help coaches start and scale. So do you have any tips for coaches how to tap into their message? So they stand out?

Haley (14:17):

Yeah. I mean, I think it's really, I think when you're first starting coaching, I always tell people, coach on the thing, you know, you can help with like start a little bit smaller. So like for me, in my journey, I helped women who specifically had gone through mental and emotional abuse and helping them just find their self again, like find their power, put boundaries around their themselves, figure out how to speak up, like things, very simple things. And I knew, okay, I can for sure guide people in that area very confidently. And then it grew and it's like the branches of a tree. So you've got your roots and what, you know, for sure you can help with, and then the tree grows and you'll have branches that come off of that. And, but I gave myself time and permission to like really root into what I did know and then allow that to kind of grow and evolve over time. I didn't go straight from, Oh wow. I see business coaching, people making so much money and it looks so successful. And so I'm going to immediately become a business coach. So I think just really staying in integrity and alignment with what is the one thing specifically you can help people with and then just start really nurturing people and helping in that one specific area. While also just being open to the possibility of where it's going to take you next

Lindsay (15:38):

Book Your Dream Clients Podcast

Such great advice. I love that. And I think it's all important to know that wherever you are is where you're supposed to be. So just, we almost have to just say, just pick something and go, otherwise you're doing everyone a disservice by not putting yourself out there. Cause there are people who need you and you don't have to try and be like everybody else because you have something different and you were here for, I always say, you're here for a reason. There's no one who's ever going to be like you so own own this gift that you have because you're so you're here to help people. So just call yourself something that feels good and go with it. What kind of transformations do you see with your clients once they have that message and they they're like, yes, this is exactly what I, what I am right now. What kind of confidence shifted?

Haley (16:26):

Oh massive. Yeah. And it's like all of a sudden it becomes easier for them. I think the struggle is in. We try to make it a struggle. And I think the minute you just are true to yourself. And like you said a minute ago, like sometimes it's messy action. Right? Sometimes it's just let me try this and see where this takes me. Okay. That didn't take me where I thought it was going to so I can give myself permission to shift again. But yeah, their confidence just begins to soar. I think primarily from the fact that they just took action. Oh, for sure. Action is so

Lindsay (17:00):

Huge. Even if it's just a small as changing your Instagram profile, it, it transforms you into something else. Your copy's different. Everything that you say is different. You're stepping into a new shell and that's what you do. Every time we change things, you step into a new shell and it feels weird where you're like, I kind of like it here. So now I'm going to see how long I'm going to be here. And that's just the, like you said, it's the evolution

Haley (17:25):

For business. Yes. Yes. Oh my gosh. I love that idea of the shell. It's so true. It's like just when you think, Oh, I figured it out here I am, this is great. And then it's like, Oh, I'm going to need to break through the shelter. You know? And just kind of realizing that it's never going to be the end, which is what's exciting is constantly like, where can I go next? And I think that's just the most

Lindsay (17:50):

Exciting part about being an entrepreneur is it's just so unpredictable in a beautiful way. You know? It's like, there is no limit to where you can take yourself. It's just like having kids every time you think, okay, we got this down, they grow into something else. And you're like, now we got to learn this again. It's this exact same. Oh yes. I remember with my first child like, Oh, he's sleeping. Okay. We've done it. That's great. We're good to go. Life's going to be great. Two weeks later, he's not sleeping again. That release, you know, you have to release a certain amount of control because there's just things outside of us like babies and businesses, but babies and businesses can't control babies and businesses. There you go. This was such a great conversation. Haley, how can everyone find you so they can, if they want to get some help with their message and their business, where can we find you?

Haley (18:52):

Well, is my website. I'm on Instagram at Haley_stamper, Facebook, same thing. Pretty much Google, Haley Stamper. You're gonna find me somewhere, but yeah, website, I'm mainly on Instagram and Facebook, but I have a Facebook group as well. That's Evolving Women in Business and that's a tribe of women that are just constantly trying to evolve and grow to that next level. I love that.


We'll definitely put your links in the show notes so everyone can easily find you and be sure to share your love for this episode with me and Hayley as you listen. And thank you so much for being here with us, Haley, you gave us some great tips and I think everyone's going to go and study their Instagram profile message.


Thank you so much. This was great.

Haley’s bio:

Haylee Stamper is a Speaker, Writer, Leaders in the Women's Evolution with a Six Figure Business. She is also a Mother, a Wife, and a Co-Author of a New Book called 'Dream Weavers'. Whether it's in life, or business, or relationships, she believes that we are here to evolve by releasing, expanding, and elevating to the next level.

She is also an expert in authentic social media content and empowering others to share their truth online through a mix of energy and strategy. Her style is honest, empowering and insightful. Haylee has gone from broke single mom, to multiple six figures in her business and happily married in over a span of just a few years.


Instagram: @haylee_stamper 

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