5 Signs You Should Start a Coaching Business

Episode transcript:

Welcome back to another episode of the book your dream claims podcast. I'm super grateful you are with me today. I want to talk about five signs that you should start your business. I've worked with no money coaches over the years. I can spot them from a mile away. So sit back, relax and enjoy. Okay.

5 Signs You Should Start a Coaching Business


And so do you feel like you're called for more like you, you feel like you have this pull to be something bigger, better, you're happy with your life, but you know that there's more out there for you and the idea of a coaching business sounds really cool, right? You can help people. You can work from home. You can really just be creative and run your business the way you want, but you're not sure if it is the right thing for you. I want to share with you the five biggest signs that will help you move forward. So if you say yes to these, which I am sure you will then definitely explore Lindsay maloney.com a little bit more because I thrive off of helping people start their coaching businesses. And you're here because you want to learn a little bit more. So I will just dig right into it.


So let's talk about the person who feels that call. I remember I kept saying, I just feel called to do more. And I see that all the time, you wake up in the morning with amazing ideas for your new coaching business. And you lie awake in bed at night, thinking about how you could change the world from your laptop, right? This coaching business idea. It keeps coming up. It's pulling at you and it wants your attention. You sometimes fight it by saying things to yourself like who am I to do this? Or sometimes you just give in, you start brainstorming, making lists, promising yourself that you'll do whatever it takes to make this dream of yours happen. And then those good old doubts come to surface. And you start to wonder if you should even be doing this at all. You hear podcast people talking about their huge successes and you wonder, what am I getting myself into?


You start looking around at everyone else online, who seems to be doing what you would like to do. And you start to play this big comparison game. We all get, we all, we all go there. You're constantly going back and forth from feeling inspired, to feeling like a fraud. And it's getting a bit confusing, not to mention exhausting. And every time you seem to move yourself forward, little bit, you take, it's always that that's saying one step forward and two steps back, right? Because you really are afraid to put yourself out there and it can get really overwhelming looking beyond those fears and the doubts, and actually acknowledging the signs that becoming a coach is part of your life's plan. And it will, it will just allow you to completely embody the person that you need to be. Not only for yourself before the clients that you will be working with, this is you are meant to be a coach.


And the coach that you are meant to be is the person that people need to get to where you are. Now, you have to be ready to step into this. So you can acknowledge the signs that this is what you're meant to do. Okay? So here's the first sign you feel called to do more. We touched on this a little bit before, but you feel so-called to do more. You play multiple roles in your personal and career life, and they don't seem to fill your cup. There's this feeling that you were put on this planet to impact lives in a positive way. You immerse yourself in self-development because you believe it's going to help you help others. And even though you don't feel clear about what you're supposed to do you feel comfortable following the nudge because you're confident it will lead you to something beyond your wildest dreams.


Okay? You feel called to do more. Do you feel called to do more? If you do keep listening, number two, you have a strong pull to help others. You are great at finding solutions. Everyone always comes to you. You always look on the bright side. It is in your nature to be a visionary and brainstorming is a fun activity for you. You believe in generosity and you feel that serving others is what you're here to do. Hands down, no questions. Okay. That's the second one. You have a strong pull to help others. Just from personal experiences, I always wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. And so when I didn't follow that, that path because I, I honestly didn't think I was smart enough to do that. I I went for something that I thought, okay, well, this will be easier for me.


5 Signs You Should Start a Coaching Business

I went to school and I graduated with a business degree and I, I wish I would have had more confidence in myself, but I do have that, that, that that blood inside of me that I just want to help people. And so I believe that, you know, life kind of takes you where you're, where you're meant to be. You just have to allow the timespan to unfold. So now when I think about it, if I've always wanted to help people in that aspect of, you know, when you're deciding those things, when you're 18 years old, well, here I am 36 years old and I homeschool my kids. I have a nine to five and I help women starting scale their coaching businesses online. And I teach them and I mentor them. So it's kind of funny how things work out for the better.


So we're always being taken care of. Okay. So that next one that we want to talk about is you love to learn. You're just a sponge and you believe that you should never stop learning. You listen to podcasts, you read and watch videos. You have audible going all the time and you, you listen to things that make you feel like you're always taking one step further. You, you love to attend virtual classes, webinars, all the things. And you're excited to pass the knowledge down to future students and clients. It's just, it just lights you up to do that. The next one is people are always asking you for advice. It's easy and comfortable for people to approach you. You're just that person, everyone goes to online and offline and they ask you for advice. They ask you your thoughts with your opinion. What do you think about this?


How did you do that? You're always willing to tell your story and you're happy to share any insight that could leave them feeling inspired and just lighter. You love to teach. And it brings you joy that people look to you for answers, which is pretty cool. And the last one is you're confident in your story and you believe it can help others. And I think this is probably the last one that might kick in for a lot of people is sometimes we feel called to do more. We love to learn. We want to help others. And then we start with this business idea because we see somebody else doing it. And then it doesn't really work out for us. And then we get down and we wonder what we did wrong because we came into this with good intentions. And the biggest mistake people make is they didn't even acknowledge their own story, their own path, their history, and infused it into their business.


Because sometimes we think our story is really boring or it doesn't apply to our business, but it really does. When you open up about why you started your business, what you struggled with, the pain points, all of that stuff. Then people can connect with you when we leave all of that out and just happen to somebody else's business model, it doesn't work. So we have to be confident in our story, no matter how boring or dull it might seem. I thought my story was incredibly dull. The dullest of the doll who wants to learn from a stay at home mom in a small town, I do not work on a laptop by the beach. I have three kids. I don't have any of that fun stuff. I'm putting air quotes that everyone likes to, that you see online. That stands out to me. I have the complete opposite of that, right?


I don't have eight hours a day to work on my business. I don't have a team of a bunch of people working for me. I am just, you know, doing my best and it's working. And I thought, well, that doesn't seem very exciting. I thought that for a long time. And then when I started to be open about that, I have the nine to five, and then I started to attract women who were wondering, how do you make that happen when you have a full plate? All righty. And so I realized that people do like to hear my story. And it's only boring to me is because I'm, I am the story. I hear it. I see it. I am, I am what I have to talk about. And sometimes it's really hard for people to talk about themselves. It's very hard. But when you start sharing little tidbits, whatever's comfortable for you.


People really feel connected with you on the smallest things. So that's the last one. You're confident in your story and you believe it can help others because it can, everyone was here. Everyone is here for a reason, and everyone has gone through something for a reason, for a lesson, not only for themselves, but for somebody else to grow from. So you acknowledge the fact that your story is powerful and that it will help others, because it will, you are aware that you have achieved a goal that thousands of people wish they could say the same. And it brings you great joy to help them do what you've done. The world needs coaches, just like you appear in simple. So I'm asking you don't hold yourself back from your life's purpose. If you feel that this is what you're supposed to do, whether it's full-time or part-time maybe just a little dabbling, just, just go for it, go, just try it.

5 Signs You Should Start a Coaching Business


You're not, there's nothing to lose. There's so many free resources out there to help you. You have this podcast, you can go to my freebie vault. It will help you get started. I will. Lots of things for you to get started. I don't want you to think that you can't start a coaching business because you don't have thousands of dollars stashed aside. That's not the case. You can do this. There are thousands of people who are looking for someone just like you. And if you don't show up for them there, you're doing them a disservice. And they're just, they'll, they'll never know how amazing you are. So don't discredit your journey. Okay? And don't discredit your calling. This isn't an internet sensation. That's going to go away. This is a movement. This is a movement of human beings who know that they're here to do big things, just like you. And I know that you're ready to change the world too. Okay. So I talked about the free resources that I have. You can just go to Lindsay maloney.com, click on that freebie vault. There are dozens of free downloads, free classes. And then this podcast is a treasure trove of free resources. And of course you can hop on over to the Facebook group and be there, live with me. And if you have any questions about anything, just ask, I'm an open and I love to help.

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