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How to Remove Your Money Blocks With Dr. Amanda Barrientez

Do you ever feel like there is something in the way of you building your business? Is it difficult for you to get to the next level and does it feel frustrating because you're trying so hard?

Don't worry, you're normal. On this episode of the Book Your Dream Clients podcast I'm chatting with Dr. Amanda Barrientez all about money blocks. We're diving into how to spot them, how to get rid of them, and how to continue nurturing yourself as a coach so you can be fully confident in what you do.

Dr. Amanda Barrientez is an NFA - No Fucking Around - Business Consultant who helps coaches and online entrepreneurs align their energy, mindset and habits to attract easier money using her proprietary NFA Money Makerâ„¢ Methods. After going from food stamps to building a 6-figure business fast, she's been on a quest to teach business builders how to make more money doing exactly what they love to do. To get Dr. Amanda's free 30 day minicourse that will help you increase your income, go to:

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Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Lindsay: Amanda, thank you so much for being on the Book Your Dream Clients podcast. I'm really excited to have you on. 

[00:00:48] Amanda: It's so great to be here, Lindsay. Thanks for having me on. 

[00:00:51] Lindsay: Yes, absolutely. Why don't you just go ahead and introduce yourself and we can just go ahead and dig in. 

[00:00:57] Amanda: All right. My name is Dr. Amanda. My company is NFA and I help online entrepreneurs ultimately heal their relationship to money so that they can be successful in their business.

[00:01:11] How did you get started with this? Oh, it was a long winding path as always. I love hearing entrepreneur's stories because it's such a long winding road and you get places you never really thought you would when you started. Or at least that's how it's been for me. I thought when I started, I was going to be a relationship coach.

[00:01:29] Because I had ended my 15 year marriage having an affair and then my next relationship was completely falling apart. And really my personal growth and development journey started when I was laying on the floor crying. One night after I had my partner was moving out and he had. You know, like furniture set up in the basement.

[00:01:49] So he had moved it out. And so here I am sitting on the floor, looking out at this empty basement and I got this horrible email from my ex-husband and I started just crying and I was like, huh, who is the common denominator? Or what is the common denominator here? And I realized that it was me. And so, you know, in that crying state, I said to myself, I got to do something different.

[00:02:13] I'm willing to do whatever it takes. To shift my reality because I don't want to have broken relationships anymore. And so that led me to listening to podcasts. And I started by listening to podcasts every moment that I possibly could, and it was relationship focused. And what I realized after a period of time of listening to podcasts is that they were all created by coach.

[00:02:35] And I thought, what the heck, maybe this coaching thing could be something I could do. So, you know, at the time I had three kids, I was in grad school and I had to go on food stamps because they didn't have enough money to pay for groceries, rent. I was really freaked out and I, as I was listening to podcasts and implementing everything, I was learning, it started to work.

[00:02:55] And then I thought, you know, I don't like what's going on in my department where I was at school at the university of Colorado, Boulder, there was. Stress because we had, you know, national news fallout and professors were leaving. And my, you know, my friends who were applying for jobs, weren't getting great offers.

[00:03:13] And I thought, okay, what if I just take the leap and become an entrepreneur? So I did it in the first year I went six figures and there were so many twists and turns. You know, I started thinking I was going to do help people with relationships. And when I would go to networking events, it was all filled with entrepreneurs.

[00:03:31] And when I came to realize is that I could help entrepreneurs with any of their unconscious blocks, that they didn't notice that they had going on. And as I started working with people, I always had them do what I call money stories, because that was where I started my, my money transformation. And it led me to now, The money healer, because I always worked with people on their money blocks and I started to see patterns across the board of what those were.

[00:03:56] And so now you know, people come to me, of course, for unblocking, all kinds of different unconscious belief systems that are keeping them stuck and it always leads to more money. And so that is how I developed NFA money as my 

[00:04:09] Lindsay: business. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It shows that not everyone just decides to come up with an idea and it magically works.

[00:04:19] You have to kind of do the dirty work first and go through things in order to help other people. So thank you for sharing that with us. Talk about money blocks. Some people might not even know what that is. What is the money? Right. 

[00:04:30] Amanda: Yeah. You know, I think about it first. I developed it from thinking about where people get stuck.

[00:04:36] And I came up with this term called competing commitments because what I kept seeing over and over again was where people would say they wanted something, but then it wouldn't happen. They would say they want something. They wouldn't take action. They would say they want something and they would procrastinate.

[00:04:49] They would say something, they wanted something and imposter syndrome would hold them back or shiny object syndrome, all the doubts and fears that kept them stuck. And so in competing commitments, Because you have 95% of your subconscious belief system that believes something that's limiting you from getting to the 5% you say you want.

[00:05:07] So it's your conscious and your unconscious battling against each other. And so money blocks are just money-based competing commitments where you have these. Overwhelming negative, fearful, stuck limiting beliefs about money that you probably don't even know you have, but you say that you want to build a successful business, or you say that you want to make more money in your life.

[00:05:28] So a money block is in the easiest way to think about it. You know, you have a money block if you don't have. The amount of money you want in the bank, or you don't feel good about money in general. And this can show really in a kind of, I'd say kind of a sneaky way where you think like, oh, I love money. I love money.

[00:05:47] I don't have any money blocks. And then you start to dig into it and you go like, oh, that's a money block. So sales years are money blocks not charging. What you're worth is a money block believing that wealthy people are greeting. It was a money block working really, really, really, really hard to make the money you make is a money block.

[00:06:03] And so they show up in a lot of different ways and I really enjoy how it's easy for me to detect quickly what's going on for people in their limiting beliefs, by the way that they think and talk about money. So that gives me a tool to help them see what's going on in their unconscious belief system so that they can raise it to their conscious awareness and then shift their actions in a new direction to.

[00:06:26] Different results, which equals more. I 

[00:06:28] Lindsay: love how you said competing commitments. That's that's genius and it's such a great way to describe it. I work with a lot of coaches who are just starting and they can get so frustrated when they've done all of the work. They've done everything. And why isn't it working for me when a student referred to it, as I feel like I'm just shouting out into a void and no one's paying attention.

[00:06:52] I know you're not having a conversation with her right now, but what could you say to someone who is feeling that. 

[00:06:58] Amanda: Yeah, that's it. I hear that a lot for people. And I think part of the problem there is that especially coaches have been, there's so much information out there about what to do to build your business.

[00:07:08] And it leads to a law of confusion and. And, and really shiny object syndrome where they go, I got to do this and I've got to do that and I've got to do this and I've got to do that. And then everything in their energy gets very scattered and they feel in conflict most of the time, like I'm doing this and it's not working and I'm doing that and it's not working.

[00:07:26] And so one of the reasons that comes up for people as a scarcity mentality, And in a lot of ways, imposter syndrome. So, you know, I'd say to that person, you know, what are your fears around doing exactly what you want to do in your business and where can you make the quickest money possible fast? Because most of the time people measure their business success.

[00:07:47] Through their financial success in their business, you know, are they getting ROI? Are they profitable? If they're not profitable, it's usually because they have way too much scattered energy going on and scattered direction. So, you know, when people are pre six-figure, they really need to narrow their focus.

[00:08:04] So I, I always tell my clients, narrow your focus to expand your freedom, narrow your focus, to expand your financial freedom. Right. And that's because most. Try to take on way too many things. It burns us out and we believe we should be working hard. And we've been told by everybody that entrepreneurs have to hustle and grind and work really hard.

[00:08:25] And so we buy into all of those stories and it causes money blocks around us feeling like we've got to do it all in order for us to succeed. And so people get really burned out and then they're not financially successful. And then they question whether they should be doing their business at all. 

[00:08:36] Lindsay: Exactly.

[00:08:37] It's well, I set it up, so why isn't anything happening? And then they give up and I always ask them, well, what's the other option you can, you can give up or you can keep going, but then you talk about, you know, there's that scarcity of mindset. What I, I can spot somebody who has this scarcity mindset, a mile away.

[00:08:58] What are your, what are your instincts when it comes to a scarcity mindset? What are some signs of. 

[00:09:04] Amanda: Definitely overworking is one of them, because usually what people do it, it sounds counterintuitive, but it's like when they have the belief that they've got to work hard to make money that's based in scarcity thinking and the reason they think they've got to work hard as is the reason they are working hard is because they think they have to do it all before.

[00:09:21] Of FOMO, like fear of missing out or proving themselves. And so they're like, I've gotta be here and be perfect out it. I've got to do this and be good at it. I've got to take on all of these things that I see. Usually a coach they're modeling that's 10 years ahead of them in the game, or let's say five to 10 years ahead of them in the game.

[00:09:38] And they're like, oh, but they have, you know, they're every platform they have on social media is huge and they've got a whole bunch of followers. You know, they've got five online courses and they've got this and that and the other I've got to do all of that. And so they take it all on. And so part of that instant awareness from you of scarcity thinking, which almost everybody struggles with is them overworking.

[00:10:00] So. The main way, you know, is like, Hey, do you feel burnt out? Do you wake up in the morning going like, oh my God, I'm so tired. I'm so overloaded. I'm not getting the return I want. Then you know that you're stuck with those limited beliefs around that. It's possible to make easy money. 

[00:10:16] Lindsay: Another one that I see is not finishing anything.

[00:10:19] They'll start all of these strategies that they have learned or are taught and they don't quite complete anything. Why do you think people do that? 

[00:10:29] Amanda: In a lot of ways. It's because people give up way too fast and because they're taking on way too much. So that combination of if you're taking on it, so let's, let's give this real quick in law of attraction.

[00:10:43] When you give a scattered message, the universe doesn't know how to bring to you what you're asking for, because you're not clear. So if, if there's a lack of clarity in what you're saying, you want, then you're not getting anything brought to you in a, in an abundant way. Because there's nowhere for your thoughts to be abundant in a specific direction.

[00:11:01] Right. And so what happens is people go, oh, I want this. And I want that. And this and that. And they start a project and they've got their hands in 15 projects. And so that all of that scattered energy leads to little success in all of those places. Instead of big success in one project and then adding as you go.

[00:11:19] So it's that, it's really the scaling up mentality where you go, like, let's get you hyper-focused in one area, get you really successful there. What that does is creates a positive feedback loop in your brain where you can then say. See for yourself. Oh, I follow through on what I say I do. I can make this be successful or I can create this to be successful.

[00:11:39] I can have fun doing it. I don't have to take on everything and burn myself out. And I can say all these things cause I did it too. Like, I mean, when I started my business, Everything I was seeing. And I was successful in the financial way where I broke through to six figures in the first year. And I worked a lot to do that.

[00:11:57] And I also luckily had broken through some of my money blocks of not charging what I'm worth. I see a lot of coaches not charged with their worst. And then. You know, triple, quadruple is hard in order to make ends meet. And then they have, they just don't feel good about what they're doing. They start to get resentful of their clients.

[00:12:17] And then they, they start usually what happens is they have one-on-one clients. They don't charge enough. So they start building a side, something like a course or something like that, because they're like, I got to make money a different way, but then they never finish because they're overwhelmed with the amount of clients they need to take on to pay the bills.

[00:12:33] Oh my 

[00:12:33] Lindsay: gosh. Yes. Why aren't people charging what they're worth in the first place? 

[00:12:39] Amanda: That's such a great question. And this happens to most people. I see become entrepreneurs. It ultimately, it comes down to believing in yourself, not believing in yourself and self worth and not valuing yourself and not knowing what to charge, not knowing how to talk about it.

[00:12:54] So it's all these blocks around a big things around imposter syndrome fears. Like they go on new at a coach. I shouldn't charge that much because I don't totally think I know what I'm doing even though they do. And typically, and, and then. You know, so the sales fears of asking, even asking for money, a lot of coaches do do it for free.

[00:13:14] So they're spending their life energy giving away free work because they don't see their value. How do we get 

[00:13:21] Lindsay: somebody to see their value? I'm thinking of a client that I have, and she went on a discovery call. It was supposed to be a discovery call and she didn't pitch at the end. She had an amazing call with this person and she was too afraid to talk about money.

[00:13:39] She ended up just ending the call, awkward. How can we help somebody with 

[00:13:45] Amanda: that? It happens all the time that, you know, this reminds me of I was at a workshop once big workshop, like it was a Brendon Burchard, so it wasn't really a workshop. It was like a seminar, you know, it was like thousands of people and he had a speaker on and it was his first time speaking and you, and now I see it so clearly when I was there, I thought, wow, he is some serious sales fears.

[00:14:05] And it was interesting. Cause I thought, oh, he could have been coached on that. But he got up there. Nominal presentation, like blowing people away. And then when it came to the money for the ask, you know, the offer, you just shrunk, like you could, you could feel him shrink and that's what most people do.

[00:14:21] Right. They're just like your client they're on that. One-on-one call. They're having great connected conversation. And the person that they're on this, on the call with this, like. Oh, my God, this is amazing transformation. You know, you have that powerful conversation then is the next step of you going like, and here's what I charged for it in equivalent exchange, this money, confidence, the sales competence that you feel like I know what I'm worth.

[00:14:44] I know that what I have brings value to the table and here's what it costs. And your certainty needs to be so powerful in, in the way that you project yourself, that the person on the other end is like, Absolutely. Yes. Where do I pay you? How can I pay you immediately? And I will say that for some people it takes it's practice, some of it's practice, but it's really working on your money blocks.

[00:15:07] So people need to start to understand what caused me to start to be afraid about selling in the first place. So I always have people start with, you know, give, go scan your life history and look at where you judged people as being slimy salespeople, because that's usually what it is, right. They go. Oh, I don't like to be sold to, I don't want people to think I'm a sleazy salesperson.

[00:15:30] Oh, I'm not supposed to be charging because it's a spiritual process. If I charged, if I charged too much, people will think I'm a greedy jerk. Like all of those money blocks that come up. So people want to start picking those apart and really asking themselves, what do I believe about sex? And 

[00:15:43] Lindsay: the word sales just gives me an achy feeling, just hearing that word.

[00:15:47] So I always say, just turn it into something else. Like you're helping someone you're serving someone. That's what you're, that's what you're here for. I don't think of it as selling that is helping people. And I, I think money blocks is so interesting because. It's not cookie cutter. It's different for everybody.

[00:16:03] And that moment for you when you were a child and somebody mentioned something about money, or you were around a family who had this big idea about money, that, that can, that does change how you feel because you weren't born thinking about money. Bills and how much you can make you, like you didn't care, right?

[00:16:22] You just wanted to be fed and loved, and that was it. And then everything changes as you grow and you hear these things and it's no one's fault. I always say, you know, people will, you know, attack their parents because their parents always complained about money. And I said, it's not your parents' fault.

[00:16:36] They did their best. Right. So think of it in a different way, right? That's there for a reason. How now, if you recognizing all of these moments in your life, you're going through the tapes and you're, you're spotting everything. You're writing them down then with. 

[00:16:49] Amanda: Yeah, this. So I have people write a money story and I have a, I have a, I have everyone.

[00:16:56] I work with write a money story for this exact reason. You're saying, because we get money downloads when we're kids. And we integrate them in a way that is, we're like a sponge and we absorb everything. We have no way to discriminate. Is that true? Is that a belief I want to carry it just goes into our subconscious.

[00:17:12] And so then we carry that through in our life. And then when we go to sell whatever download we got as a kid, we'll. And so everybody has money blocks and it's, you're exactly right. You don't need to blame your parents. That's not going to do anyone any good. They did the best that they know how to do.

[00:17:26] What you need to do is get conscious. One of my favorite quotes of all time is Carl Young. He says, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. And so my job as a money healer is to help people bring to their conscious awareness, what they believe to be true about money, so that then they can consciously choose to do.

[00:17:47] Carrie this belief into the future, or do I want to create a new one? And so something else you said that's really important is, you know, thinking that sales is icky is going to cause sales problems for people. Instead, I tell people to reframe it to, I want, I am a bad. Incredible sales machine because people who know how to sell and people who enjoy selling, they are highly successful.

[00:18:11] And so you've got to reframe your thinking about what sales means and not think of it in a negative way, especially in some ways, when we say serving our clients and I do, I use that word too. Sometimes the problem with that is, is that when people go, I want to serve my clients. It has us in some ways, a subservient feel to it.

[00:18:29] And so then they feel like they don't want to charge for it because you think about, you know, I'm a servant, I'm not getting paid a lot. And so we've got to be really thoughtful about the way we think about these things. I'm very conscious so that we can go, Hey, I own that. I'm a badass sales person and I'm, I don't have any embarrassment or shame or guilt or fear around it.

[00:18:48] I sell because I care and I sell, because I know that what I have is like desert in the water. It's like water in the desert for you. Like, what I have is going to help you transform your life. To where you will never be the same and because I help you do that. Absolutely. I deserve to get paid well for that, because that leads you to a wealthy, incredible, fulfilling life.

[00:19:10] So you're paying for that transformation. 

[00:19:13] Lindsay: Absolutely. It's all about the transformation. And I said, I always say, you're going to get so good at. People your clients, your potential clients will be pitching themselves to you. They're going to try to make their lives seem so bad. They just need you to help them.

[00:19:26] They're going to try to convince you and you won't even have to do it anymore once you portray that confidence. Yeah. I think there goes to say about, we can get to the 100,000 and we can remove the money blocks and keep on trucking. And then. Other things are going to come up. What kind of things do you see for 100,000 and up coaches, entrepreneurs out there?

[00:19:51] What kind of money blocks creep in then 

[00:19:54] Amanda: I see most commonly with them is the stuckness around thinking that they've got to work 10 times as hard to get to the next level. So they go, oh my God, it took me this amount of work. You know, if let's say they're coming to me, they already have a six-figure business.

[00:20:08] And they want to get to the next level. Let's say it's 2 5500 a million and they go, I worked my butt off to get to this place. There's no way that I can put in 10 times the amount of effort to get the ROI that I need out of my business to Uplevel it or double it. And so they have this belief, like the only way to make more money is to work harder.

[00:20:28] And and also they have the fears around asking for more money. Right. So they go, oh, okay. Sure I can't, up-level my, my, what I asked my clients to pay me because I've already been charging this amount. And so if they don't see the value in it and they don't want to Uplevel, then I got to find all new clients, instead of going back to your current clients and knowing.

[00:20:49] Ways to strategically ask for what you're worth in an upleveled way. So I see them getting really stuck in this old mindset of like, oh, it's again, imposter syndrome, right. It's just the next level imposter syndrome. So they go, okay, now I see that I can build a six figure business. Now, when I want to go to seven, how do I, up-level the perception of myself as a seven figure coach versus a six figure coach and how do I charge for what I'm worth at that price and what.

[00:21:14] Systems do I put in place to scale to that level with ease and joy? So it's not me working all the time and feeling really overwhelmed and stressed out by my business. I 

[00:21:23] Lindsay: think, yes, it's, it's taking a situation. It took me all of these hours and days and blood, sweat, and tears to get to where I am. So now I have to do the math and multiply it.

[00:21:34] So that means that it's going to be this. And that feels very. Impossible for a lot of people, if that's the way you're looking at it. And why do you think that we're so afraid to raise our prices? I always talk to my coaches and say, you know, every quarter or just when it feels right. You know, raise your prices.

[00:21:53] And I, I go through that too, where I think, okay. It's about time. My prices go up. But what if this is the end? What if this is when no one will book any time with me? What if I, what if I lower them back? If people say, and then I'll get my clients back and they're so afraid to just backspace hit a bigger number, put something higher on their website that can be so scary to do.

[00:22:18] And how do you know when it feels, right? I always say, just go with your intuition. Like, what is your intuition telling you? Like, yep. It's time. Let's do it. What's your. 

[00:22:27] Amanda: Well, I do people when they've got the model, let's say they're a a coach who does one-on-one coaching. I say to start that way is really powerful because when you charge what you're worth, you don't need to have that many clients to make a six figure business work.

[00:22:40] And then when you get to. Th the point when you go, oh my God, I'm maxed out in my load. And I don't, I can't 10 X, my clients to 10 X my business. Then that's when it's time to then shift your model from one to one to one to few, and then one to many. Right? And so there is a maximum amount of money that you can charge for a one-on-one client, right?

[00:23:02] Like at some point you are going to cap out. Sure when you get huge, you can charge people. You, you know, you can have a hundred thousand dollars a year, $200,000 a year clients. That that is absolutely possible. It's just that you've got to learn how to build scalable models because your hours for dollars model, isn't going to get you to the level you want to get to in an easy way, you know?

[00:23:24] So I tell people, okay, well, how many one-on-one clients do you want and how, how much time freedom do you want and how much money do you want to make? And we reverse engineer a model from there because you always want to be thinking. You know, lifestyle, right? You want to be thinking, how many hours a week do I want to work?

[00:23:39] How many hours a week do I want to be doing my life? And, and for some people they want to work 40, 50, 60 hours a week. They enjoy it. That works for them. For some people, they go, oh, you know, I would ideally like to work 10 hours a week. That's going to be different for every single person. So you've got to develop your business the way that you run your business around that and make decisions from that.

[00:24:00] If you're a person that loves working with one-on-one clients and that's all you want to do then yeah. You got to keep up leveling. If you want to, up-level your income. If you're a person who goes, oh, you know, I could see myself doing someone on one, some groups, some, some online courses. Then you scale up your programs over time.

[00:24:18] Lindsay: That's very freeing to hear, because it means that you can kind of design your business the way you want. It. Doesn't have to be exactly this. And if you don't do it this way, then it's not going to work. It's I love that because it makes it feel more. Creative and I like to be creative with my business, and I know that that's the reason why we start our businesses is to be creative and to, and to, and to be the boss.

[00:24:40] We don't have to create a business and then have to follow some model that doesn't feel right for us. So I like that. I want to go back to that conflicting. How did she say it? Conflicting, committed. That's not what 

[00:24:52] Amanda: competing commitments competing 

[00:24:53] Lindsay: well, conflict, conflicting 

[00:24:55] Amanda: competing. The same thing.

[00:24:58] Lindsay: I really liked that. One thing that I see a lot is, and even with, with me, or with with launching or all those big moments in a coach's life we have these big dreams and I remember always having these big number launches in my head or mom. And when that happens, that will mean this for me. And when we set these big things for us and what will that mean?

[00:25:25] Here's an example. Let's say I have a goal to hit a hundred thousand dollars this month. Right. And. If that happens, then I will quit my job, for example. Right. So that's a great example of that conflict, conflicting moments there. What if I really don't want to quit my job or what if I don't really want to hire a team member and.

[00:25:50] We set these big goals out because we're seeing all of them on social media or online, or just hearing things pumped into our brains all the time. How do we, how do we distinguish what, what do we really want when we have all these blocks? I'm kind of making this a messy question, but. We don't know what we really want until we actually try to go get 

[00:26:12] Amanda: it.

[00:26:12] Lindsay: Right. Yeah. But if, if, if we set out these goals and we cookie cutter the goals, they're not going to happen. I'm trying to set, they're not going to happen because it's not really what we want. Do you see what I mean 

[00:26:25] Amanda: you're talking about is alignment, right? So when you don't, when you eliminate your competing commitments, it's because you're aligned.

[00:26:32] So, and you know, you're aligned when you feel. And, you know, you're aligned when you give yourself permission to be exactly who you are and do exactly what you want and your zone of genius. And you let go of everyone, else's rules and judgments and you know, everything they're telling you to do. And this is interesting because, you know, as coaches and let's say, even as consultants cause so I do a mix of coaching and consulting in a coaching way.

[00:26:57] You're helping people. Governor who they are and what they really want. And it consulting way. You're telling them what to do. They're paying you for your knowledge and telling them what, what to do. The thing is you've got to become aware enough of what makes you feel good in order to hire the right consultants and the right coaches.

[00:27:15] And that's all a discovery process, you know? So I'd say for someone who's learning this and they're going like, God, I don't know exactly what I want. Start asking for clarity, like ask, you know, whatever you do, pray, meditate, ask the universe, whatever it is, like, ask for clarity, ask, like, what am I really good at?

[00:27:31] And what do I love to do? And a fun exercise to start to get there. I have people write down, you know, just journal about this question. If I had a billion dollars, what would I do with my time? Not what would I do with the money, but what would I do with my time? And that billion dollars is just, you know, it's just an arbitrary number of it.

[00:27:48] It's a dollar amount that would give you such freedom that you really don't ever need to think about money again. And so you know, let people go like, okay, if I were really, really financially free, what would I do with my time and start doing more of those things on that list that you create? Because that's going to be your clue as to what is in your zone of genius, because anything that's highest on our value system, which is your highest zone of genius activities are going to be things you spontaneously do without any outside force or push.

[00:28:20] And you, they will have you feeling. So this could look like in your business, you break it down and you go do a drop ad list and go, what do I love doing every day that I just enjoy and do more of that. And then on the other side, what do I dislike doing every day and write all that down and then start either dropping, automating, or delegating those things.

[00:28:42] And this will help you get more and more refined into understanding what you actually want. Most people. I mean, you're so right when. I would say one of the trickiest. Things that people get stuck in is not knowing what they want. They think they do, but it's that they've been told by so many outside forces, what they should do, that they have a hard time clarifying what they want.

[00:29:07] And I can say this has happened to me in the past as well. You know, I've you think, oh, I'm gonna, I. I'm going to do this and this and that. And you started doing it and it might be fun. And then after awhile it's like, oh, this isn't that fun anymore. That's okay. You're in discovery. Now, pivot as quickly as you possibly can into things that bring you more joy and what will happen on your upward spiral of growth in building your business?

[00:29:29] I think of it as a spiritual process, building a business because you discover so much about your. And you learn, what is it that I'm really good at? What do I really enjoy? What do I really like? What do I really do? That brings huge impact to the world and coaches care. They have huge hearts. Like I've never met a coach that doesn't have a huge heart because that's the reason they want to do it.

[00:29:51] You know, most people that's why they're in the game. And so they want to really be able to be fully expressed. And when you're saying. The base of the fullest expression of yourself and really allowing yourself to do what you enjoy. That's when you have the greatest money-making potential, because you're the most magnetic.

[00:30:08] And in terms of the law of attraction, you will attract things more easily. So you work less, you know, so an example in my business as B would be every year, I work less than I make more and I have more fun. So it's not that I have, up-leveled my income by working more, instead of up-leveled my income by having more fun, which attracts more money, which allows me to work.

[00:30:28] Because I've refined over the years, understanding like, oh, this is what I like to do. Oh, this is who I like to work with. Oh, this is really my zone of genius. So 

[00:30:38] Lindsay: interesting because sometimes we hold off on doing the things that we really love until we get to a point, but I love how you said, just start doing it now and start doing those little things that you can do.

[00:30:50] You know, like for me, More time with my kids. It's, it's certainly not glamorous, but that's what I want. And I don't care if that doesn't align with everyone else or whatever I'm hearing. I just want to spend more time with my kids. I just want to spend more time in the kitchen, do what, making things with my kids and making a mess and then eating it.

[00:31:09] That's what we like to do. And if I can have more time to do that, then that's awesome. And I'm going to attract people who have those values because I'm being honest with what I really want. 

[00:31:19] Amanda: Yeah. Absolutely. You're absolutely right. And I love what you said at the beginning of that statement, because almost everybody thinks this way it's, you know, have, do be, instead of you do have, they think, oh, once I get to this level of income, I'll start doing what I want to do.

[00:31:33] And the problem with that is in universal laws and the way that they work, it's impossible to get what you want doing what you don't know. Right. And mostly so many people are unhappy. Yeah. That's they think, oh, once I get there, I'll do the happy thing. And it's the opposite. You've got to do the happy thing to attract more of the happy thing.

[00:31:53] It's like. 

[00:31:54] Lindsay: Holding off on buying yourself a nice outfit because you don't think you look good enough for it. And then you just wear dumpy clothes because you 

[00:32:02] Amanda: don't deserve it. Or, or this is a good one. It's really obvious to people thinking like, oh, I'll go to the gym. Once I learned lose 20 pounds, I'll 

[00:32:13] Lindsay: start working out when.

[00:32:15] Start 

[00:32:16] Amanda: eating better, sadly. Like it just doesn't make sense, but it's what we do in our business all the time. We think like, oh, once I get to this level of income, I'll start enjoying what I do in my business. And who wants to create a prison out of their business? Like, why do that to yourself? This is the fun of being an entrepreneur is that you get to be creative.

[00:32:34] You get to create your lifestyle the way you want to. And most people struggle with that because they create so much stress around all of the sugars and all of the shiny object syndrome. And. They've been told that then they don't enjoy their business and it takes them five times as long to grow it because they don't feel good about any of it.

[00:32:53] Lindsay: I think they're also afraid of it failing if they do let go and accept, okay, this is what I want. It might not work. Right. There's no guarantees that if you decide this is what you want and you're happy and, and whatever, it might not work the way you want it to. Yeah. I always say that's good because we don't know everything and we have to just enjoy the ride.

[00:33:16] And that's, that's so not fun to hear too. So many people who are trying so hard to make this work, but what's your final words of wisdom to 

[00:33:24] Amanda: that point? Yeah. Remember, it's a journey of clarification and the clearer you get the faster you can create ease and flow and joy in your zone of genius. So allow yourself to take steps in the direction of what you, what you think you want to create, and then get clear about what, you know, you want to create.

[00:33:45] And then clarify what you say you want. Right? Oh, I think I want, let's say an example of like, I want to be a YouTube influencer and you start making YouTube videos and you start putting them out there and you do it for a year. And then all of a sudden you start podcasting and you realize, oh wait, I actually really like podcasting.

[00:34:03] You start doing. You could either look at that as shiny object syndrome, or you could look at it as like, oh my God. I learned through YouTube that I enjoy podcasting. Right. And so, and I've done this in my business. It's funny though, I've done the opposite. I started my podcast and then all of a sudden, now I'm going like, Ooh, I'm hitting YouTube hard because oh, let's, let's build YouTube next.

[00:34:23] It's the next fun quest for me. And, and I don't, I don't feel like a failure. I don't go, oh my God. Everyone's going to think that I'm. I I failed. I just go like, oh, I discovered myself. This is really what life is about. Right? Like self discovery. So just enjoy the process more and allow yourself to pivot.

[00:34:42] If you see yourself in the habit of always pivoting before anything gains traction, that's a different issue. Right? That's. I would say you have a lot of fears going on there. And if you're not willing to take any steps in the direction of what you say, you want to create a new procrastinate and you ha you're stuck in perfectionism and you don't release things because they're not perfect yet.

[00:35:01] You know, that's a different issue. And so, you know, you've got to be the person who is a, the greatest detective of yourself and master. No one else can do every single part of this for you. Yes, coaches are awesome. Good coaches are amazing at helping you draw that out and having you speed the process, which is why you would hire a coach and why?

[00:35:20] I think everybody should have a coach. And, but like, you've still got to do the inner reflective work to dig in and be willing to look at yourself and take leaps and take risks. And, and jump into the unknown and, and develop your confidence over time and refined to where then you get to have, I call it the pinchable life.

[00:35:42] Like I have a pinchable life. Like I love what I do. I enjoy. I have a, I just got married in Hawaii. It was amazing. Congratulations. Thank you. I have like, I have so many good things happening in my life and my, my business grows every year. I play more. I have, and I play in my business and I, I pivot things all the time and I.

[00:36:03] Oh, okay. I learned this in 2021. This was my main lesson. And now in 2022, here's what I create. And so just be willing to play more like people get so serious and I know money is a scary thing. I get it. I goes on food stamps. Like I've been in the survival mode, like literally where I didn't know how I was going to feed my kids and didn't know where it was going to live.

[00:36:24] That's a scary place to be. And if you're in that place, I also sometimes tell people, get assigned a job while you're building your business. Like don't ever don't, don't build a business from a place of such scarcity that you just don't know how you're going to feed yourself, because then that energy gets projected to the people you're you're on a call with, and they can feel it a mile away or a million miles away.

[00:36:45] So the 

[00:36:46] Lindsay: smell of despair, like yes, 

[00:36:49] Amanda: right now, yes. Yes. People feel that you, and the reason they feel it is because you feel it. If you feel desperate, you're sending desperate energy. So, you know, take care of your, your baseline needs first so that you can then attract people through. So bringing service and value and service, like bringing, let's say strategies and value to them.

[00:37:10] Lindsay: Thank you for saying that. No one that talks about that. If you don't build your business on its own, relying on nothing, you have to have something to support you and your business as well. I mean, I, I still have my nine to five. I, I enjoy it right now. I'm enjoying it. So why I'm not going to get rid of something that I enjoy, but I wouldn't have been able to grow my business in the way that I did without it.

[00:37:34] We had a guest on a few months ago and I, I think I quote her on almost every episode now, because it's so funny. I said, what do you say to the person who has that feeling of despair? And they're trying to run their business and they need to book their client because they don't have any money coming in.

[00:37:48] And. Get a job and it was like exactly something to help you do this. So you are not giving off that, that stench of despair and desperation. Yeah, absolutely. 

[00:37:59] Amanda: It's okay. Yeah. And in some instances I tell people, take the leap, go for it. That's if they have huge savings or they have very low. Like for me, when I took the leap, I owned, I had a couple of months of savings for, of living.

[00:38:12] I lived very cheaply at the time because I was used to food stamps. I was used to very low income from being a graduate instructor. And so I was like, okay, I've got two. To make this amount of money back. And I did it because it, because my lifestyle was set up for that, if someone like I have had people come to me before who, you know, they had corporate jobs and they're like, I want to quit.

[00:38:32] And I want to be a coach. You know, what's the transition process here. I want to quit now. And I'm like, well, do you have savings? Do you do, are you willing to spend that savings on building your business? How many months of saving, like it, you've got to, you got to make sure you set yourself up for success by not putting yourself into like intense.

[00:38:49] Intense amygdala, like animal brain response, where you go into fight flight freeze, because the second you do that, everything's going to be 50 times harder. 

[00:38:58] Lindsay: Yes, absolutely. 100%. I love this conversation. Amanda, can you share with everyone how they can find more about. 

[00:39:06] Amanda: Yes. One thing I have, it's so fun.

[00:39:09] It's my new signature program. It's called charge what you're worth bootcamp. So really, really fun process of walking online entrepreneurs. A lot of coaches, coach types, let's say who learn how manifestation strategies, practical manifestation strategies, understand how to unblock their money blocks.

[00:39:29] Yeah, really conscious about their relationship to money, heal those money blocks so that then they can talk about what they're worth in ways that don't scare them. So they overcome their sales fears. They learn how to talk about it. They get tons of direct interaction with me and it's a really cool program.

[00:39:44] So if they go to for that one, it's charge what you're worth with everything I offer a whole bunch of awesome free stuff, all kinds of good stuff is on my website. If they go to NFA, so N F a money dot. 

[00:39:59] Lindsay: Amazing. Thank you so much for spending time with me and sharing all of this. It was really fun.

[00:40:04] Chatting with you and everyone. Please go to Amanda's website and go join her program. So you can get through this with actual support. You don't have to do this on your own. Amanda, thank you again for being here with us and everyone goes, show her some love on social media. Are you on Instagram or anything like that so they can find you?

[00:40:22] Amanda: Yeah, yeah, definitely hit me up on Instagram. NFA money. Okay. Perfect. Easy peasy. Think YouTube, YouTube. 

[00:40:32] Lindsay: We'll put all the links in the show notes and thank you again, Amanda, for being. 

[00:40:37] Amanda: Thank you