lindsay maloney

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How to Design Your Dream Client Profile

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If you’re ready for more engagement and stronger connections online, it’s important to get to know your future dream clients beyond the basic demographics and get to the heart of who they are and what makes them tick.

Some of these questions in the list I’m about to share with you will take a second to answer, and some will take longer. If you find it hard to articulate your answers via writing, I suggest you voice record yourself and use a Google Doc to transcribe it or use whatever floats your boat. The point is to do the work and make it as easy and simple as possible, so you continue to do it regularly.

Designing your dream client profile is a task that should not be ignored, no matter what stage you are in your online coaching business. It’s also a task that should be done at least once yearly. Why? Because as time goes on, you change and evolve, as does your dream client. Think of this as a fine-tuning exercise and put it on your calendar to revisit six months after you do it today.

Basic Demographics

  1. Age

  2. Gender

  3. Family Status

  4. Employment Status

  5. Location

Interests and Behaviors:

  1. Typical day

  2. Hobbies

  3. Values

  4. How do they prefer to learn

  5. Favorite books, podcasts, and/or channels

  6. Personality type

Digging Deeper:

  1. What are they tired of?

  2. What do they fear?

  3. Who do they look up to?

  4. What worries them?

  5. What's their biggest motivation?

  6. What does a perfect day sound like to them?

  7. If they prayed for one thing to happen, what would that be?

  8. Where are they on the timeline of progress?

  9. What do they think is holding them back?

  10. What are their biggest pain points?

  11. What solutions have they tried so far?

  12. What is a common misconception they believe right now?

  13. If they achieved their goals, how would they feel? How would their life change?

  14. What's a story they keep telling themselves and continue to live by that's holding them back?

  15. What's the one thing you could say that would make them feel like you get them, and you know how they feel right now?

If you’re just starting and you’ve never worked with a client before, please don’t put this exercise off! I remember sitting at my desk dreaming up an imaginary client and feeling so silly, but boy did it help me write content, speak online, design my website, and create because I had someone and a purpose.

Whether your dream client is purely imaginative (we all started that way!) or you are basing your answers off of a single or combination of client experiences, make sure that who this dream client is is someone who brings you joy, motivates you to create and show up, and is the reason why you started your coaching business in the first place.