lindsay maloney

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How to Book Clients Whenever You Want

Booking clients without discovery calls is possible!

I want you to have an open mind, especially if it's been a while since you've booked a new client and especially if you're not bringing in new sales into your business every single day. The reason why I want you to have an open mind is because I might be bringing up some strategies that you may be doing that might not be working for you anymore and they're almost dated in my eyes.

We’ve been taught that the traditional ways to book clients were done by doing sales calls, discovery calls, cold DM’ing, and jumping into 50 Facebook groups a day saying you have a spot open. Well, those strategies may have worked years back and you may be doing them now (and you may enjoy them too!), but for me, as a mother who has a full-time job and we also homeschool - I knew there had to be a better way.

When I first started business coaching back in 2015, I had a feeling that I had to do things a little bit different because of what I have on my plate. I think coaches get stuck, overwhelmed, and frustrated with their progress because they're listening to strategies that are working for other people and they feel like they're doing something wrong when it doesn't work for them.

They either give up or they keep trying a bunch of different things and never giving it enough time, Maybe their business falls off the face of the earth. I've seen it happen time and time again and I believe that for me, being a business coach for just about 10 years, I've seen a lot.

Business coaching has grown, especially in the last four years. Coaching in general has exploded in the last four years. I always tell my clients that we have to look at things with our long-term vision goggles on and look at the strategies we're doing and the things we're implementing and ask ourselves, “Is this something I want to be doing five years down the road?”

If you had a glance into the future and went five years ahead and noticed you’ve been consistently booked out with clients, how did they come to you? Were you jumping into Facebook groups? Were you cold DM’ing? Do you go on 20 sales calls a day? If that's not a part of the story you're writing, then this post couldn't come at a better time for you, I've grown my business against the grain because I have never had hours upon hours a day to do all the things most recommend doing to grow an online business.

So, it’s a good thing I'm totally fine with coming up with new ways to get engagement, exposure, sales, and clients, because I’m more than happy to run with anything that comes to mind. Never waste a good lightbulb moment, right?

Back in November 2023, I had a really good idea after I told myself that I wasn’t going to do a Black Friday offer. I just really didn't feel aligned with creating or selling anything, and I was totally good with it. Until I had this idea…

I was in the kitchen and it came to my mind that I should just go ahead and create something and just see what happens. The first title that came to my mind at that moment was called, “Help Me Lindsay!” and the idea behind it was me selling some sort of diagnostic audit. The details were still fuzzy, but I believed that if I could just sit with somebody and look at their business, I could spot things a mile away. Like, what they could improve, what could they change, what could they add, subtract, whatever. I'm really good at that. But I really didn’t want to have my calendar full of all these audits and I didn’t want go on a bunch of calls as I only go on calls with my one-on-one clients. So I kind of twiddled my thumbs a little bit, trying to figure out how this could actually work, because I felt really connected to the result.

I wanted to make sure that the runway to actually make this happen felt good, especially, because we were coming into the holidays and all of that and I didn't want to plug up my calendar. So I decided to keep it simple and create a checkout page and call it, "Sales Breakthrough” and once people purchase it I'm going to send them a form where they can tell me about their business, give me their links, and on my own time I will record a Loom video where I will go through everything that they give me and let them know what I see and what I see for them.

At first, I just had a small handful goal but then this offer went insane! I was shocked at how much this brought in. I was amazed at the people who I've never even had conversations with took me up on it. Just you know, this is a very vulnerable thing to purchase because you're literally handing off your business and letting somebody pick it apart,. The amount of people that signed up for this just kind of blew me away. I had hours and hours of these audits to do and I was so excited because I could get to know all these different coaches from all around the world.

I ran the Sales Breakthrough over Thanksgiving week and I ended up becoming booked out almost overnight because of it! When I think about it, I’m still in disbelief because it went so fast and it went 100 times better than I ever thought it could! It has brought in amazing group of clients into my world.

If you really want to know how the Sales Breakthrough works and you want to get in on that, you can sign up here and see for yourself and get a really back-end experience of what this looks like.

There's just one more thing I want to say about implementing this process in your business, instead of going on discovery calls (I know, how dare we say we can't go on discovery calls or sales calls anymore!) Isn't that what coaches do? I haven't been on a discovery call in over a year. You guys, I decided over a year ago that discovery calls are just not how I want to bring clients into my world. I was just over it.

So I decided I'm just going to have to figure out a new way to do this. And this is it. This is it. So, now, I have my calendar full of clients. That's it. How beautiful is that? It's just a simple business model and it gives me so much more time and freedom to do things with my kids, to homeschool with my kids, without pressures of going on a discovery call and wondering if will they show up and will this be a complete waste of time? I'm just not there for that anymore. So if you're feeling like, yeah, you know what, I can see this working for me, but I don't know how, then by all means you can either ask me on social media what this looks like in more detail or just go go here.

There are things in the coaching industry that you have to de-program from your brain and one of them is how to obtain clients. You created your business so you can create the pathway to booking clients and my pathway work so well, so well indeed, that clients will actually be pitching themselves to you!

When I did these Sales Breakthrough calls (what I'm teaching in The Dream Client Code) I didn't receive one client application. I received people DM’ing me asking me how can they start working with me. I received emails with paragraphs and paragraphs of copy that told me everything about their business and asking if it would be possible to start working me as soon soon as possible.

People, clients, pitching themselves to me because they finally got to see what I see in them, with no interruptions, with no pressure, just me spending time with what they've built.

That's so powerful. And you can't do that on a sales call. You can’t do that on a discovery call. You can't do it anywhere or anyway else.

In true coach and creator fashion I created a course that helps you do exactly what I just told you in great detail and step by step. It's called The Dream Client Code and it guides you through creating your own version of my Sales Breakthrough and it actually teaches you how to pitch your coaching to the right client when you are in the process. It gives you all the templates you need and it draws out the entire process so you know what to do and when.

This is a $43 course that shows you how I booked $20,000 of clients in just a couple of days, basically overnight. $43 to change your business life. There are just so many coaches out there who are in the feast and famine mode and I want to help them. Some coaches that I work with, they've been booked out for a few years and then all of a sudden there's a drought and they're wondering what's going on. This is your way out. This is your way out of a slump. I promise you.

Let's talk about the traditional ways of booking clients that just don’t work for me anymore.

A few months ago, I had a salesman come to my house because I wanted to get a new front door for our home. I could have ordered one online or I could have drove to one of the stores and picked out a door, brought it home, and asked my husband to put it in. But I wanted an experience as we have an older home that’s probably 120+ years old and I really wanted this front door to be special. I didn't want it to just be a normal door. You're probably wondering how in the world does this have anything to do with clients? It does. It has everything to do with this. So just bear with me.

He came to our house and we looked through a great big catalog of doors. In my mind, I though I knew what I wanted, but then he changed it a little bit when he suggested a few different things. I'm a very visual person and I just couldn't picture what this was that he was describing so, he went outside and he took a snapshot of the front of our house and he had some had some kind of app where he could put the new door on it like it was really there.

It helped me visualize what this would look like, and it helped me see that my idea of the front door, that I've been picturing for so long, actually wasn't as good as what an expert saw for our home. I'm telling you this because sometimes we get so stuck in our own ways that we can't picture what else this could look like for us, and until we see a visual, until we hear it from somebody else, until we experience it in some way, some kind of a taste, some sample of what this could be, it kind of breaks us out of that. I thought it had to be this way, but now you're showing me there's another way and I see what this looks like and I know that this is possible for me. Which is just what I’m teaching inside The Dream Client Code.

Right now, people are flipping through social media so fast and they're seeing everyone give their two cents about everything like how to book clients, how to make sales, how to grow on social media, how to do everything… Right? There's so much advice and what to do on social media and the internet and sometimes it just feels overwhelming and we struggle with knowing what to do with all of this information.

You've tried all of the strategies. You've done everything. You're creating content like a like a crazy person. You're doing everything that you're supposed to do, but you're still wondering why clients are not coming in. It's because they can't see what you see in them, and this, this technique that I am teaching you inside The Dream Client Code, shows you how to do that, so they can. It's almost like they're sitting beside you in your office you have control of the laptop and you're going through their business and they're just sitting there watching.

People see the possibilities. People see what this actually could look like for them, the thoughts that they had about their business or about their life. This doesn't just apply to business coaches, it applies to every coach. The thoughts that they had about their life and where they're going and how they can get there, are completely arranged, because you're showing them that there is a better way and a possible way to get there, and you're probably going to actually tell them that there's a quicker and better way, because that's what you do right as a coach. You don't make things harder, you make things better and you make things more efficient, no matter what kind of coach you are.

The Dream Client Code shows you how to do all of this and it's something you could literally learn and listen to in a day or in an afternoon. If you're a warrior, you could create the checkout page and start selling it today if you really wanted to. This is no joke, there are videos inside and they're all bite-sized. You can listen and work at the same time.