lindsay maloney

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5 Reasons Your Landing Page Isn't Converting and What You Can Do To Fix It

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Having a landing page that converts well is SUPER important for your list-building strategy. The purpose of your landing page is to get email subscribers. You could have the most amazing freebie ever, but it wouldn't matter if you are not creating a good reason to get it.

So what do you do when your conversions are low, like below 30%? Well, it’s a good thing you’re here because I’m going to help you dissect and correct your landing page so you can rest assured it’s bringing in subscribers consistently.

Before we dig into the 5 reasons your landing page isn’t working and what you can do to fix it, I want to make sure you’re keeping track of the existing landing pages you have. I suggest creating a spreadsheet that holds the title, the link, and the date you created each landing page. Then add the tracking info like the unique visitors, conversions, conversion rate, any changes that you made, and the date you updated it. That way, you have the full story when you analyze your data (put your nerd hat on!).

To take this a step further, add this process as a recurring task in your project management system so you never forget to take a look at how you're doing.

So, how do you know if a landing page isn’t converting well? A red flag for me is if the conversion rate is below 30%. If I see anything below that then I know it needs some attention. There are five things I look at, but here’s a disclaimer. I do NOT change all 5 of them. I don’t care how tempting it may be or how good it would feel to just start from scratch I leave most of it alone and I choose 1 thing to tweak. Once I make a change, I go into my spreadsheet, note the changes, and then check back in a month to see if the changes worked.

If had gone ahead and changed the whole page, then I wouldn’t know what worked and I’d be just as in the dark as I was before. One thing at a time folks.

#1 Your headline isn’t catchy nor does it tell me what I’m going to get.

The headline is the first thing people typically read and sometimes it’s a deal breaker. Don’t just say, “free download” or “get on my email list”; tell them what they’re going to get so they agree to give you their email address in exchange.

#2 Your tagline and/or bullet points aren’t doing it for me. I don’t feel like I need this.

A simple, “put your email in the box below” or “sign up for my newsletter” isn’t going to cut it these days. People’s inboxes are more cluttered than ever. This is your chance to show them what they’re going to get, how they’re going to feel, and that you understand what they’re going through at this very moment.

#3 I don’t feel your branding comes through and it doesn’t feel like something you’ve made.

Your brand isn’t just about colors and fonts. It’s also about the feeling someone gets when they’re in your space. If they click on your landing page link from your website, social media, Google, or Pinterest does it feel cohesive throughout that journey of clicks or are you risking them feeling like they landed on the wrong page?

#4 I don’t understand the language.

This is a big one. So often I see students and clients speak their language, not their potential subscribers. Often times we get so stuck in our own heads that we forget about their current pain points and desires. When this happens, our words go straight over their heads. Remember what you were Googleing 3-5 years back? That’s where they are now. If you could go back in your browser history, what were you searching for? What did you want? Take a step back or two so you can get there.

#5 I have to scroll too much to find the button.

You wouldn’t think that this matters so much, but boy does it ever. If I have a landing page that isn’t performing well, I’ll view it on my phone and my internet browser to see how far I have to scroll, if I have to at all, before the button comes up and if the button is after the fold, I'll either duplicate it and add another towards the top more or I’ll move it all together.

There you have it! 5 Reasons Your Landing Page Isn't Converting and What You Can Do To Fix It. I hope this inspires you to be mindful with your landing page work so you can boost your conversions, bring in dreamy subscribers, and book your dream clients!